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Modular Sectional Railroad Tracks

James asks readers:

“Is there a G Scale book on how to build modules that can be connected to other modules to make larger railroads like those I have seen for HO and N scale railroads? Do you know if anyone is building modules in this scale?”

One Response to Modular Sectional Railroad Tracks

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    Just because they do it in HO and N do it in G. just follow the same general way they do it. I know someone that runs Live G Steam No power to the tracks and they work great It is just bigger that is all. My HO is assembled to break apart if I ever move and the connections between each module follow what a club module does. If you are following your own layout design it is called Free Modular and that works when you are doing like me (not hooking up to other persons modules does not require the tracks to exit the module at certain points) The same can work for an outside run. Each module will link up to the next in the same wau and they can sit on supports to keep it not directly on the ground in climates that you might not want to leave the track outside as my climate would be, from Newman

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