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Can You Run Older Trains With Newer Transformers and Track?

Kenneth Asks Readers:

“I recently purchased a Sothwestern Pacific set new with the new fast track, and now purchased a 2001 used Sourhwestern kit. Can I run the older 0/027 model on the newer track using the new transformer or will I have to use the older transformer?”

2 Responses to Can You Run Older Trains With Newer Transformers and Track?

  • kaspar says:

    You should be alright to use old trains with new transformers if the voltage is the same. Note on newer models the wheel flanges are smaller including rail height , older models have bigger flanges meaning That they will or might ride on the rail chairs which causes problems. For example stock might derail or stall on point frogs. Track gauge has to be the same.

  • Frank Bushnell says:

    If the old and new locos are both plain 12 volt DC (or sometimes 16 volt), they will work exactly the same with either the old or new 12 volt transformer and DC controller.

    Basic traditional locos run on (up to) 12 volts DC. The transformer brings down the mains 120 or 240 VAC to 12 VAC, which is then rectified to 12 VDC. The controller determines how many volts go to the track to control the loco speed.
    (The rectifier may be either in the transformer unit or in the controller unit, or sometimes the whole lot is all in one box.)

    Many modern controllers use PWM (pulse wave modulation) which gives better running, even with old motors.

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