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Wiring Reversing Switch

Peter asks readers:

“Hi, I am trying to wire a reversing switch to my Atlas turntable, and I was looking for guidance”

2 Responses to Wiring Reversing Switch

  • Robert Morey says:

    Use a double pole double throw switch, it has 2 rows of 3 terminals. The top terminal from each row are wired to the turntable rails, doesn’t matter which way. The middle 2 are wired to the rails of the approach road, again it doesn’t matter which way. The last 2 on the switch are wired to the top two on the switch in the shape of an “X”. Make sure that these wires are insulated from each other. Run a locomotive onto the turntable, if it doesn’t run onto it, flick the reversing switch to the other setting and it should all be good.

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    This can apply to switching power sources when using standard DC where the other track is powered by another transformer. You need a lead track between them and insulated both rails on each end. and the double pole double throw switch will switch your power from on source to the other. You enter the lead track from the power source you are leaving and switch sources while on the lead track If you want to switch on the fly all you have to do is ensure the power direction matches and speed settings are similar and there will be no notice that you switched the power while going through the lead. If you forget things can get embarrassing quickly when people are watching.
    In DCC it makes things simpler as all tracks are powered from one source and auto reverser’s will change the polarity as you go in reverse loops and crossing over to tracks that are normally the opposite polarity.
    from Newman

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