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Determination To Continue Dream Hobby

Bob from the UK sent in this story:

I had until 3 months ago an up and ‘almost’ running layout in my loft, then-I broke my left hip-which shouldn’t be a problem NORMALLY, but it is giving me a lot of grief. On top of that my right hip which was replaced 4 years ago is also giving me grief, on top of that my spine is knackered, there are gaps where there shouldn’t be so I constantly get trapped nerves.

Bobs UK model railway

Apart from that I’m ok because I’m able to make single DIORAMAS which is what I’m doing now in my spare upstairs bedroom. Currently I’m making WATERLOO STATION and tracks plus turnouts. This has been a marathon job but I’m determined to finish it and God willing my Left hip will be okay in the future – when ever that might be. Morphine doesn’t help one bit, but with my other hobby Amateur Radio which I have been on since 1978 keeps me sane.

Enough said, I look forward to the future, because there is always hope.

uk model railway layout

3 Responses to Determination To Continue Dream Hobby

  • Bob says:

    God bless you, Bob, with healing, stamina, and strength. You already have plenty of courage! You are an example to all of us as to what determination to overcome obstacles looks like. Thank you for showing us that we all can figure out a way to be in this hobby.

  • Norman Chipps says:

    I am somewhat in the same situation as I have to keep changing from the N scale layout where I am starting to do a Drive-in Theatre with a DVD player showing older westerns and to break up the days I sometimes get on 20 meters and try to make contacts around the world. The age here is 76 and been into model railroad for a few years longer than ham radio. Am retired and having fun. Send your call with a future listing as Australia is a common signal when propagation is good and we can talk trains. Thinking about Z scale also. Sold the HO layout about 10 years ago. Hope your broken bones come together soon. Working on a capacitor discharge for turnouts today. By the way my QTH is Arizona now.

    • Bonny says:

      I thought I wanted to do Z scale, too, but my gimpy, arthritic hands decided I couldn’t. So, here I sit with a nice Marklin kit of an SP steam engine, two cars and a caboose, the controller plus a lot of extra track, Micro Train box cars, the American series buildings…about six of them plus some American looking building kits, and other Z scale stuff all in a box. I’ll stick with my N scale until the hands can’t handle that one either and then, I guess I’ll have to go back to HO. I’ll be 80 this year and wanted model trains for years so I got carried away! I really feel for Bob as I had a cyst on my spine, caused the right leg to get rather sensitive….on an on it goes. Now I have nerve damage but I still manage to garden and play with trains.

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