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Is it a Problem with my NCE Powercab or is it a Problem with the Loco Decoder?

Bryant asks readers this question:

“Hi and Thank you in advance. I am using NCE Powercab and attempting to change the volume in my Walthers Proto loco. I am successful at lowering the volume but at the same time changing the volume also changes how my cab works e.g.(the bell button turns on and off the headlights). Would that be a problem with the decoder or would it be a problem in the Powercab? Thank you for any help.”

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9 Responses to Is it a Problem with my NCE Powercab or is it a Problem with the Loco Decoder?

  • Charles Bell says:

    I don’t know the direct answer to this question but as a “hotfix” I shut off connection to the locomotive by unplugging the throttle and plugging it back in. The throttle buttons revert back to normal operation.

    • Bryant Jones says:

      Thank You Charles.. I unplugged the power to the system and plugged it back in. The re-booting of the system seems to have corrected the problem.

  • Bob says:

    If you know someone who has Digitrax system, try setting the volume with that to see if you have the same problem. Or, reset the decoder to factory reset and then change the volume to see if it does the same thing.

  • Jay says:

    I have an NCE System, and it is possible to program a loco on the mail line and a programming track. I prefer to use a program track myself. It’s not unusual to get the kind of problem you have with some decoders. For programming decoders, I use JMRI’s Decoder Pro, and a computer interface from NCE. It is the best method in my opinion, much easier to do. Decoder Pro is free online.

  • Alvaro Sousa says:

    Hi Bryant; i don´t know if this kind of Walthers Proto loco, uses two decoders, one for sound another for controling the motor. If that is the case I have a similar problem with a BLI (Blue line) and there was a conflict, because button that was used to sound the bell (F1) was the same used in the Lokpilot V3.0 to activate the function light button also connected in F1. In this case I disconnected the F1 from the Lokpilot decoder, and the problem disappears. I hope this helps you.
    Regards from Portugal.

  • Gerry says:

    It sounds like it is an addressing problem. Some how you need to set decoders on different addresses to allow for the different functions to act independently of one another.

    • Jay says:

      I agree with Gerry, if the loco has two decoders, that becomes a complicated problem when trying to do some program changes. One way to get around it is to disconnect the decoder you don’t want to change, while programing the other decoder. If each decoder had different addresses, that would simplify the problem, but ultimately you want them on the same address for operation. To give them different addresses, you will still have to disconnect one of them to program the other. I have built an operating crane that had two decoders, I installed a switch to able to select what decoder I want to change without affecting the other. Most decoders have plugs on them, hopefully yours will to. Some decoders can be “locked” to prevent any changes, if you have the data sheet for your decoders, it may tell you how to lock it, and un-lock it.

    • Bryant Jones says:

      Thank You Gerry..I will try that next time as it seems to happen often.

  • Ken Darvell says:

    Reference Jay comment. Jay is right I have just built a system using a Raspberry pi 3 and a Sprog interface and using the JMRI decoder pro software. You are able to adjust every CV on any decoder. Down to the smallest amount.This with the NCE power cab it a great asset for adjusting any decoders.

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