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How To Model Water

Mason posted this question:

“I know there are lots of fancy ways to model water on a layout, but I am wanting to model a couple of little patches of water a bit bigger than puddles in a sort of ditch on the side of my little country road. I don’t need much water, but I want it to look a bit muddy and stagnant. What material or method should I use without going to the expense of buying resin?”

7 Responses to How To Model Water


    Mod podge and acrylic paints work quite well for that

    • Jack says:

      Yes Mod Podge is an excellent product for a number of uses including using it as an adhesive and sealant. Perfect for gluing and sealing cardboard buildings too.

  • David says:

    PVA glue dries clear. I have used it to ‘fill’ a garden pond on my layout – a few thin layers allowed to dry a layer at a time.

  • Dave says:

    Very recently found a WILKO (Wilkinsons) product ‘Lets Create’ Clear Glue ~ @ £1:50p but have used it just the once as yet.. Like PVA., but is colourless to start and the single layer I’ve put down dried crystal clear. I use successive layers of dark paint, Glue, mid paint ( or white ‘rush’ ) topped with a final glue coat ~ Allow the final coat to ‘slide’ on a very shallow incline to get a ‘flow’ in the direction required and ‘tease’ with a cocktail stick during stages of ‘tacky-dry’ for ruffles and rippling as needed. Yet to try-it with this New finding…

  • Hervey says:

    I have used epoxy glue quite successfully in small puddles, almost dry ditches and bird baths on my HO layout. Use paint under the glue to get the colour and /or effect you want.

  • Bob says:

    I paint the bottom of the water feature in the colours I want to depict, then cover the area with “Pouring Medium” – you can get it from art suppliers. Works well and is very durable.

  • Paul Duke says:

    Some time ago I read somewhere that if you wanted waterfalls and water features one could get a good result from ‘Bathroom Silicone Sealant’. The method is to streak lines on a sheet of glass and use several layers as required then peel it off. I’ve used it several times and it looks the part. This is also a method for puddles, ditches etc. give it a go I’m sure you will be quite surprised at the result.

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