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Using Tiny Screws on Track Ties

John P sent in this tip to share:

“I was surprised a friend of mine who has trains didn’t know to do this, so I’m sharing it on the off chance some others don’t either. My tip is…I make use of very small screws for track ties. By using screws it is easier if I need to lift the track for repairs, or readjustment. My drill has a screwdriver attachment for the crosshead screws which keeps them in position until the tiny screws are nearly fully screwed in. I can then release the screw from the screwdriver grip. It is then a simple matter of a few final turns to securely seat the screw in place. I have always done this, but it seems not everyone does?”

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5 Responses to Using Tiny Screws on Track Ties

  • Jay Ross says:

    Well, that all depends upon what gauge you are modeling in, and you didn’t say what scale. A tiny screw is more acceptable in larger scale trains, like 027 or G. If you try that in HO or N, that screw had better be really small. I’d like to know, and maybe see some pictures of your results.

  • Ron Scannell says:

    I am building on foam and do not glue down the cork or track. I use 1/2″ spikes fro Micro Engineering. The spikes hold the rails and the cork down and make it easy to modify the track plan.

    • Jay Ross says:

      Interesting. The surface on my layout is wall board. I don’t even use cork. I tack down my track with small track nails, and then put the ballast on. I don’t glue anything down, so that I can modify it later if I decide too.

  • Donald Ripper says:

    You can easily buy specially-made track screws on Ebay. They are Phillips head which makes the screwing and unscrewing a lot easier. I use them on N scale and am very happy with the result.

  • Derek Cloude says:

    Yes I totally agree, I used them on my OO gauge here in the UK. My layout was designed for maximum running with a small percentage of scenery on boards of 10ft x 2ft. Even using track curve setting gauges, tweaking had to be done. The screwing down of the track made that alot more easier. But of course everyone has there own ways to do it.

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