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N Scale Modules

Rodney asks:

model railway modules“I have been trying to find the plans for an N scale module layout. I am looking for information on building four corners and individual modules for expansion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.”

Rodney, the following resource includes 69 N scale plans and links to some other excellent modular construction resources. The pack offer also has a step-by-step ebook on modules titled “Confessions of a Mobile Layout Builder”. Recommended resource.


5 Responses to N Scale Modules

  • Bob Rimm says:

    The center rail is designed to carry one of the two power feeds to the engines and any cars that might have interior lighting. The two outer rails is used to provide the second power connection. This simplified the original design that had limitations when crossing switches or derails happened. You only need to connect power to either one of outer rails and the center rail to power the engine. The engines are designed to use either outer wheel. This allows them to make a wheel set that does not have the two wheels electrically isolated from each other. It also means that the trucks on any of the cars do not need isolation on the wheel sets, meaning lower manufacturing costs.

  • John Byers says:

    You might want to check the NTRAK specs. It’s ntrak.org, Wikipedia lists a few other organizations with different specs. Of course it’s your RR and could build it however you wanted, but if you ever wanted to exhibit a module as part of a bigger group/club layout you would need to have built it to the specs they used (NTRAK has 3 tracks, 2 mainline & a branch. Some groups have fewer.). Even if it’s only for your use and you never want it to be part of a larger layout, the ideas they have for connectors, joining, etc., could be useful.

  • Fred says:

    As John said in his response check out NTRAK but also take a look at TTRAK modules. They are light weight, can also be builT in various lengths and designs, they follow a standard for hooking up to other modules and there is a “ton” of information/ideas online. The modules can be factory made or they can be DIY.

  • Fred says:

    Take a look at TTRAK also. It is another type of n scale module system. It too has certain standards for building IE number of tracks, spacing, etc. uses Kato track. But there are variances that can be used for other trackage. Easy to move, easy to store. Modules are available “factory” built or you can DIY following specs. A lot of info online

  • Fred says:

    Sorry for the double response. I guess this makes it a triple response! ?

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