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Train Scales

R G Cooper has a question that will no doubt get varying answers depending on the country, size of the club, member interests, etc:

He asks: “What scale do most model railway clubs use?”

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5 Responses to Train Scales

  • Jim Hall says:

    The club I belong to (Since 1379) has 7.25inch, 5inch, Ho and N scales.
    that is the ”Southland Society of Model Engineers Inc” or SSME.

  • David Stokes says:

    In South Oz, HO Clubs (not all formal entities) are most common, followed by N Scale and 0, with maybe one or two S an Scale G layouts that open occasionally to other fans.

    The variety is more in the origin of the layouts rather than scale, be they based on Australian (traditionally 6 separate state systems), British (in its myriad of forms) and American leading, with European based layouts following.

    H0 is the leader probably because it is the most supported by the “trade”. Over the last couple of decades we have been able to buy Aussie outlined locos and rolling stock off the shelf along with a growing abundance of Australian style architecture kits in that scale..

  • Steve says:

    In Western Pensylvanie there are G , O , HO , N and S scale clubs that exhibit at all the local shows . for myself I’m currently working with Z scale and plan on doing some N scale layouts in the future

  • Robert Anderson says:

    Readers are welcome to upload a photo they took of their club layout if they wish. Alternatively, you can send details of your club layout to the Blog Moderator by using one of the ASK A QUESTION links. You will be contacted if you want to send a bigger photo for publication.

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