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Locomotive Losing Contact Along Track

Clint has HO and asks:

“I have a DCC layout. I purchased a used, but newer, (closed can motor) Walthers Trainline diesel. The track has been cleaned. All other locomotives run fine, but the Walthers hesitates and sometimes stalls. Are the wheels different on the Walthers? What is the fix?”

3 Responses to Locomotive Losing Contact Along Track

  • Dale says:

    When the loco loses power, does the headlight go off? If yes, the problem is likely between the wheels and the decoder board. You say the track is clean so check the wheels themselves as well as the contact area for the power pickup wipers. Make sure they are clean and effectively contacting the drivers. Check the connections to the decoder board are properly soldered.

    If, on the other hand, the headlight stays on when the loco stalls, the problem is likely the motor, the connections between the motor and the decoder, or the decoder board itself.

  • kleinmeubelen says:


  • Frank B says:

    Clean the wheels, also the place of contact between the wheel back (or axle) and the motor wire contact.

    If the loco is very old, it may help to clean the motor brushes and commutator, but only if you are reasonably mechanically competent (or keen to become so and fairly adventurous).

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