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Starting Voltage vs. CV2

Clif models HO and asks:

“What is the difference between Starting Voltage and CV2? What is the difference between CV5 and Top Voltage? Are they the same? It’s driving me loco.”

2 Responses to Starting Voltage vs. CV2

  • Hervey says:

    CV 2 sets the starting voltage for the decoder. Generally a low number. It also determines the start of the speed curve. That is useful when you are trying to speed match 2 or more locos.
    CV 5 is the maximum voltage the decoder will supply to the motor. (FYI it isn’t actual volts but pulses but for the sake of this I will call it voltage). It is the value that sets the maximum speed of the loco and must be greater than CV6. When you plot C Vs 2, 6, and 5 on a graph of speed step as the X axis and motor power as the Y axis the resulting line (curve) is your speed curve.
    CV2 determines when the motor starts to turn. CV 6 determines what speed the loco will move at at mid throttle. CV 5 determines loco speed at maximum throttle.

    • Clif says:

      First of all, thanks for your timely response. One other question. My MCR Prodigy Advanced 2 asks for a SV and then later on asks for CV2. Are they the same? Sorry to bother you, but would appreciate clarification. Thanks in advance. Clif

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