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Model Trains

Metal Loco Kits

Fred asks readers:

“Does anyone know anything about the manufacturer ‘SKR’ who make N gauge white metal loco kits?
I have two of them but can’t find any references to the manufacturer in case of spares. Any help appreciated.”

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Finding Logging Locos (Shays)

Bryan asks readers:

“I finally have the time to enter the hobby, and really want to do something in the logging industry. I’ve been dreaming for years, but not watching prices! Where in the world does one find HO Shay’s these days for less than $1200?!!

I’d really like to join in on the hobby, but seriously, how in the world can you get started at those prices? Also, it seems that availability (why prices are so high?) is really limited. Any direction/advice is really appreciated.”

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Which Locos Have The Best Pulling Power?

Gary asks readers for brand and model preferences:

“Which HO locomotives are the best when it comes to pulling power?”

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Locomotive Motors Lack Power

Chuck asks readers for advice:

“I have several HO diesels that are dcc. I bought them used on e-bay and they are in good condition. They operate with no problems but some of them don’t run as strong as some others. I don’t think the motor needs to be changed, but maybe installing new springs and brushes might give some new zip to some of my weaker engines. Please let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you and any advice you can give.”

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How to Mount a Camera to a Model Train

garden model railroad photo

Here’s a question from Don that will interest many in the hobby:

“Hello, I have wanting to put a camera on my HO train but have no idea what kind to buy or were to find them on the internet. I live in the USA if that makes any difference of any kind.”


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Trolley to Run on Separate Track

Les asks readers:

“I’m setting up a train table. I like to know how to set up a trolley that will run on a separate track. That it will go so far and when it get to the end and it stops and goes back where it came from. Where can I find out about that?

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Trains From the Civil War to 1930

Danielle asks readers this question:

“I am looking for old wood burning HO locomotives and accessories for my future layout. I would like to concentrate on the era from the Civil War to about 1930. Does anyone out there have any ideas?”

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2015 Hallmark Lionel Train Set

Sue asks readers:

“Did anyone see the 2015 Hallmark Lionel train set? It’s the red one that’s around 400.00 dollars? Has anyone mentioned whether this was a good set to buy, worth the money? I thought it was pretty high myself but not knowing how much train sets are going for i thought I’d ask. Thanks for your help!”

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What is Tsunami Sound?

John has a question for readers:

“I am thinking of getting into model train hobby again after several years absence. I notice many of the diesel engines are now listed as Tsunami sound along with DCC. What is Tsunami sound? Just asking. Been out of model trains for years.”

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1960’s Model Train Commercial

Defend your Lionel model train empire from the attacking enemy force with this all new 1960’s Turbo Missle Firing Car, with Reconaissance Helicopter Car, and Aerial Target Cars.

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Steve’s Layout

Steve sent in this photo of his layout to share –

“Many thanks for the 4 years I have been receiving your info. I am on my 2nd layout and having a great time. Attached is a recent photo (this is not yet a completed diorama) of my ongoing first attempt. All of your posts have been very much appreciated. Thanks, Steve (I’m 75 years old in Oklahoma).”

model train layout oklahoma



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Problem with Old Athearn SW7 Loco

Lonny asks readers:

“I have an HO Athearn SW7 loco I was given. It had been in storage a very long time. When I tried to run it first time it just sat there and the light barely came on an wouldn’t move. I found a site that showed me how to disassemble it. I cleaned all the electrical and disassembled the trucks and cleaned out the old hard grease. I put it back together EXCEPT for the worm gear on each truck. I sat it on the track and the motor spun just fine, the light was nice and bright. I put the worn gears back on and tried again but it barely moved. So the problem is in the trucks, but what it is I can’t figure out. There is no grease in the trucks yet because I wanted to ensure it worked before I greased and oiled it. During reassembly I kept checking that everything moved/rotated and it did. Any insight on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.”

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Restoring Old Marklin Loco’s to Working Order

Ed asks readers:

“I have 15 or more old HO Marklin locomotives in a box in the closet. They are there because I ‘m still starting to build my layout. What do I need to do to get them running? They are stored in their original.boxes.”

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On30 DC System with Sound?

Mike asks readers:

“I ran across a setup at the Denver model RR show of an on30 layout that used DC but had sound like a DCC setup. When researching this I found nothing online for sale. Anyone have experience with a setup like this?”

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Running Locomotives in Reverse?

Nathan asks readers:

“I was wondering how many of you are using multiple locomotives as opposed to having wired one up reversed so you can have a train run backwards in your loco consist for ultimate authenticity?”

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Broadway Switcher Will Not Respond to Throttle

Jerry asks readers:

“I have quite new HO DCC Broadway LTD Switcher with excellent sound and also great movement. It responds forward and back, then suddenly sound remains normal, but I lose all throttle response. I love this little Diesel Switcher. Does anyone have a suggestion to this problem? Thanks.”

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How to Convert Scales on Garden Railroad

Alan asks readers:

“I have a garden railway 16mm narrow gauge scale. I would like to know what is the nearest scale for vehicles. I have worked out 1/19 is approx nearest. Does anyone agree? This is not a popular scale for cars, lorries etc. Your suggestions are welcome.”

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Diesel Shunting Locomotive Rolls By

Diesel Shunting LocomotiveLooks like a cold day as these guys watch a diesel shunter roll past. A scene from the Exeter Model Train Show. More scenery ideas.

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