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Motor Not Spinning on Armature

John models N-scale and posted this question:

“My Bachman Spectrum C&O 2-6-6-2 locomotive has a seized (won’t turn) motor. All mechanisms work but the motor won’t turn. It had been running fine but I was wondering if a Digitrax DCC Zephyr 52 power pack running a DC locomotive may have caused overheating? Does anyone have a solution please?”

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Stalling Locomotives

Russ has this question you might want to comment on:

I have a 10’x20’ HO layout and I use an NCE doc system. I usually run two trains each with two locomotives running in a consist. With both trains running at the same time they run flawlessly but if I should stop one of them the other one will stall briefly (and frequently) and start up again. As soon as the stopped train is put into motion the stalling stops.  Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon and if so any ideas to correct the situation?”

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N-Scale DoodleBug With Lights But No Drive Power

Paul writes:

“I picked up a supposedly never used N-scale DoodleBug the DCC version. After just a short time on the track, it abruptly stopped. The lights are working but there is no drive power. I am unsure what to check for. Any suggestions would be great thanks.”

Please add any suggestions below if you can assist Paul.

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Locomotive Pulling Power Formula

3 locomotives ho scaleOrjan is hoping someone can assist:

“A friend mentioned a formula I could use to calculate the pulling power of my OO trains, but he couldn’t remember the exact details of how it worked. He said it based on weights, number of cars, gradient percentage and some other factors he couldn’t recall. Does anyone out there know the details and how to use it? I would just like to know. Thank you.”

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Derailing Around Curves

Winston models N-scale and asks:

“I just purchased a new GEN 4 Evo. I love the look and sound. However, has anyone had a problem with them derailing? It only derails on 11″ radius curves. (I don’t have a 9 3/4″ on my layout). It always jumps off a quarter of the way through the curve. Yes, the track is level and soldered. I even added some superelevation. That made no difference. My GEN 4 Evo still derails.”

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Point Motor Extension Pins

Alan asks readers:

“I have point motors from previous layouts where the pin is to short for my new layout as the baseboard is thicker. How do you make extensions for the pins and what materials do you use .. and the measurements?”

Add your comment or suggestion below.

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How To Construct A Model Train Station Kiosk

This video tutorial runs for less than 4 minutes and demonstrates the construction of a scale model train station kiosk/newsstand. The model is made using cardboard and is one of two newsstand models available for download from the website. The models are downloaded in PDF format and can easier be sealed with a clear matt varnish spray of painted with clear matt Mod Podge after construction. This step is purely optional but does nicely seal the assembled model protecting it from dust.

You can view the full range of OO/HO, N scale models and download a free catalog here https://www.modelbuildings.org

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Swapping Plastic Wheels For Metal Wheels

ho scale wheelsArthur posted this question:

“I have a lot of HO cars (different makes) with plastic wheels and over winter want to gradually swap them for metal which I think will run better. What size should I get? I see there are 33inch and 36inch. Does the make matter?”

To view the answers or add your own suggestion, leave a comment below.

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Reversing Loop – Insulating Rail Joiners

Jacob seeks help from readers:

“I read where with 4 tracks I could install insulating rail joiners and wire a polarity reversing module, but I don’t really want reversing modules. Can I just connect another power lead to the dead loop section instead? I’m DCC by the way.”

If you can assist Jacob, please add your comments below.

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Rerailer Issues – What Am I Doing Wrong?

Ryan asks:

“My layout has 4 powered rerailers and I thought I would connect my first rerailer on one side to the control board and connect from the other side of that rerailer to the next rerailer and continue from there. I connected my main feed and all seemed ok until I joined up the next rerailer. My control started to flash quickly which I presume is a warning I have done something wrong. What? Thanks in advance.”

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Track Wiring Help Needed

Alex from New South Wales in Australia asks readers:

“I’m new to model trains and I need help to wire the 4 tracks. As you can see on my map I have 4 transformers to run 4 trains but not at once as they share the same track. Can you help me in wiring it?”

8x4 model train layout track plans

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How To Make This White House From Cardboard to OO, N, or HO Scale

Cardboard is recommended for the construction of N scale, OO, and HO scale models, however, foam board or corflute can be substituted on some of the side walls when building to OO or HO scale as is demonstrated in this video. Corflute and foamboard are generally too bulky for making N scale models.

You can see the full range of scale model houses and download your free catalog at https://www.modelbuildings.org

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What Is The Minimum HO Tunnel Height Clearance?

Kevin D asks readers for advice:

“I’m progressing with my HO layout construction and have some tracks already operational. I nearly reached the stage of building a long tunnel where the incline will be 2%. I don’t run double or tri-level auto racks or many high cars, but still need to allow enough height clearance. I’m thinking 3” to 4” clearance above the railhead if I need to rerail cars, but I don’t want to make the clearance too high and spoil the dark mystery of when the train disappears and reappears. What do you think I should go with?”

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Bachmann 0-6-0 Noise Problems

Ross writes:

“I acquired (for free) an old Bachmann 0-6-0 loco which makes quite a clatter from the side rods when running. I’m not sure if they are supposed to make so much noise? Does anyone else have the same engine and does it make a lot of noise?”

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8 Point Checklist For Servicing Locomotives

Michael R kindly sent in these tips to share:

I have had a bit of experience working on locomotives to get them working efficiently, so can share some things I learned so far. I numbered the key points:

1. Take your time. Fixing or servicing a locomotive should not be rushed.
2. An older or well-used locomotive needs to be disassembled to locate any faults or to be properly serviced.
3. That is the only way to see inside to inspect and clean everything including all the moving parts.
4. That involves checking and removing the trucks, U-joints, wheel bearings, gears, electrical contacts, and other things.
5. When taking things apart, you might find some broken parts. If so, replace them if doable.
6. Consider substituting spare parts from other locomotives that couldn’t be repaired.
7. Occasionally gears can get cracked and dirt gets can into things. Take your time because cracked gears are difficult to spot. A missing gear tooth on the other hand should be easy to see.
8. When your inspection is complete, you can lubricate everything when putting the parts back together. Use proper greases and oils.

I just tried to keep to the basics, but other people might want to add to my list.

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Peco Electrofrog Points

Barry from Lancashire in the UK asks:

“I’m about to buy my first track sections and am leaning towards Peco because they do electrofrog points which I will need for DCC. I’m trying to get my head around the technical stuff but am finding it all a bit confusing. If I went with Hornby instead, do they also have a type of electrofrog points? I had a look around and got confused because they have different names I think?. I just want to compare apples with apples, buy the best, and stick with one brand, so thought I would ask.”

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Video Tutorial -How To Make a Multi Roof Background Industrial Building

When making this industrial background building to OO or HO scale you can use card, and corflute or foamboard. Being smaller in size, card is recommended for N scale. The good thing about this model is that can be extended to the size you want. It is simply a case of downloading the plans one time and printing out one or two extra copies. The design is available in a tan color and the red brick texture seen here, so the two different colored buildings could be positioned side-by-side to add variety and interest to the scene. Although not necessary, this video tutorial demonstrates how the windows and doors can be cut out to further enhance the 3-dimensional appearance of the model.

You can download the plan for this multi-roof industrial background building here

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Trains Will Not Run

Mike posted this question to others in the hobby:

I have two o-scale trains on separate tracks with separate power sources (transformers).  The systems worked well for about a year or two, but now the trains will not move even with full power.  I can hear them trying to start, but no movement.  Any suggestions on how to get them to run please?”

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