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1:87 Scale Scratch Building Structures

Franklin asks:

“I going to have a go at scratch building my own houses and possibly other buildings for my 8 x 4 1:87 scale layout, but I don’t know how to calculate the sizes of walls, roofs, etc. Seems complicated. Can anyone help?”

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Power Supply for Atlas Snap Relays and Turnouts

Jim asks:

“I am rewiring my HO layout and I have a switch to allow DC OR DCC running. I want to use separate power supplies to track LED signals and also for Atlas switch machines. I am having trouble figuring out what specs my power supplies (eg old phone chargers) should be. What voltage, current, and wattage? Thanks for any suggestions.”

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Train Club Near Minneapolis

It is great to get new people involved in the hobby. John posted this question:

“I am new to the hobby. What I would like is a club that meets somewhere near Minneapolis where I live and has layouts to work on and show off. Is there such a clubhouse near Minneapolis?”

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5 FREE TOOLS To Share With Friends In The Model Railroading Community

Test out the helix calculator, scale calculator, train speed calculator, scale to scale conversion calculator, track gradient calculator. These 5 tools are available free of charge with the compliments of ModelBuildings.ORG

These 5 free tools are available with the compliments of https://www.modelbuildings.org You’ll find them by following the ‘Railroad Resources’ link at the top of the website.

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Post War Lionel Wiring

Dick asks:

“Do I need a bus wire and feeder wires for an older model O gauge layout? I’m not planning anything eloquent or elaborate, maybe a crossing and a couple o’turn out switches.”

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Non-Specific Locomotive Bodies

Barry asks:

“A question from Victoria in Australia. I am returning to the hobby after far too many years and have started to acquire some HO locos and rolling stock before I get started on a layout. I have an SD40 loco all decked out in the BHPBilliton livery so am wondering if there are any non-specific bodies available for this model? BHPBilliton was the company that ran ore trains in Western Australia so not really appropriate for my planned Victorian-based layout. Appreciate any suggestions.”

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Locomotive Runs then Stops Dead

Phillip has O scale and wants advice:

“I’m new to model railroading and starting with basics. Fasttrack, CW-80, and a Lionel 8042 were all sold as working properly. Loco and coal car only makes about 5 trips around (40″ x 60″ oval) then stops. When I add a car, it runs a trip then start to slow. Add another car and it hums but won’t budge. I feel like I am not getting enough voltage. How do I test that?”

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Curve Radius For Pacific 4-6-2 Engine

Bruce writes:

“I just got given a nice Pacific 4-6-2 engine HO scale. Q: what curve radius should this engine be able to negotiate? Q: How would this compare to a Spectrum 2-6-6-2 USRA engine which a mate has? Thoughts please.”

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Converting Analog Bulb To LED

Len models HO and asks:

“Three of my locos have led driving lights, but I have a small switcher engine that still has an analog bulb. Can the switcher bulb be converted to LED, and can I do this without making the LED too bright?”

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Replacing Square Couplers With Magnetic Couplers

Nathan posted this question:

“I recently picked some old rolling stock (N-scale) cheap, but the cars have the older style square hook couplers, so how difficult would it be to replace them with the magnetic couplers?”

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Soldering EZ Track

Caleb asks:

“Can I solder EZ track? Is there any way not to melt the plastic?”

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Engine Problem

Yavuz from Turkey asks:

I sprayed my HO DC locomotive with rust remover to remove rust from its wheels, but the engine stopped working. What could be the reason?  What do you suggest I do? Thank you.”

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Replacement Motorized Chassis for PA1

Charles is into N scale and asks:

“I’ve been trying to obtain the subject matter for my Con-Cor/Kato Santa Fe PA1. I’ve searched the Web and can’t find what I need.”

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Smoking Locomotive

Donald models HO and asks:

“I have a Bachman HO 2-6-2 locomotive that smokes. Q: Is there any way you can clean the smoking unit if it becomes clogged with dried burnt oil inside the smoke stack?”

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Two Cars Shorting On New Track

Ian posted this question:

“I operate DCC and just finished laying track and wiring a yard section, siding, and an extension to my mainline. I did this all before getting started on the new scenery and structures. I thought that was smart!! My locos run well on the new track, but I discovered 2 cars caused a short and breaker trip. No problem with the other cars. It happened on the new section of main and the yard, so it’s not down to metal on the track, and it’s the same 2 cars. I got an occasional faint reading on the meter when testing the wheels, so will probably need to replace the Kadee trucks and/or the wheels too. Not sure. Those cars haven’t caused a problem on the existing track, so I am a bit bamboozled why this is this happens. Have others had this problem?”

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6 and 8 Turnout Radius

Here’s a question from Matt:

“Does anyone know the radius of an HO Atlas or Peco turnout numbers 6 and 8?”

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How To Deaden The Sound on EZ Track

EZ trackSimon writes:

“I am past the planning stage of my layout and actually have a few scenery elements in position. My track (I’m using EZ track), is already down, it has been since July, but not fastened in position yet. I don’t 100% like the look, but I will try and hide the ugliest sections if someone has any ideas. I don’t want the added cost of changing to a regular track. That said; I would like to know how I can reduce the noise caused by the big empty space. I went off the idea of expansion foam in case it lifted the track. What do people suggest fill the empty space and deaden the noise?”

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Peco Electrofrog Turnouts

Stan asks:peco no 8 large radius turnout

“I have DCC and plans for 2 reserve loops, and to replace my #6 custom turnouts with #8 large radius turnouts. Will I need to cut the wire to the wing rail and solder power feeders to the rail and points, or can I just use insulated rail joiners? I want to do it just once and do it right, so would like to know why other guys do. Thank you.”

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