Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Making A Cheap and Easy To Use Train Cradle
Bob has HO trains and posed this question:
“What are modelers using for train cradles to protect cars and locomotives from damage while working on them?”
There are many possible solutions. Here is one home-made design made from 1 inch thick high density foam. It could easily be adapted to individual needs. You could cut a variety of different sized foam inserts to simply put between the train and the sides to make the engine fit nice and snugly. You could angle cut edges of the foam if you find that easiest. Add your comments, and suggestions on what you use, or how to improve on the design shown below.
NCE Power Cab Problem
Jason models HO and his question is:
“Hello all, I have been of the armchair variety for many years due to funds, usable space, life etc. Over the years I have collected a few locos and finally have the space to build and as of now I have only straight track installed (no turnouts with the possibility of shorts), one DCC factory installed loco and a few older RTR units. When I first hooked up the system and programmed the one loco, things were great, somewhere along the line of installing decoders in the others, it seems the top speed is no where near what it was when I only had the one running.
Additionally, the initial start up response has decreased on the factory unit. The only CV’s I changed were on the older units that I had to install the decoders hardwire. It also seems step 18 or 19 is full (after power loss) and the remaining speed steps up to 28 are unresponsive. Momentum is at 0, all units CV 5 maxed at 255, CV 6 127, CV2 varies a little from one to the other, initial loco unchanged and everything has been triple checked.
All locos run perfectly just slower and this is with only one on the track at a time so I’m not pulling too much juice. Additionally, I noticed that with the loco (any) completely shut off the amp meter still reads .01 to .03 fluctuating, not sure if this is normal or may be a symptom of a failed or partially failing system? Hoping some of you experts can help a tech dinosaur!”
Soldering Track Joints or Sticking With Rail Joiners?
Darryl sent in this question:
“I would like to know if I should solder all my track joints, or just use the rail joiners? I haven’t had any problems as yet, but I’m quite new to this. I read that jumper wires might be a better option allowing for expansion or contraction, given likely weather/humidity changes? Maybe I should solder the rail joiners as a back-up?”
Post your question using one of the many ASK A QUESTION links on this page.
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Becoming Absorbed In Your Own Model Railroad Is A Great Way To Mentally Escape From The Real World Reality Facing Us All Right Now
While it might not be possible to jump aboard the next plane to a tropical island-getaway, there are numerous ways to mentally escape from reality. Becoming absorbed working on, or operating, your own model railroad is a perfect way to achieve this if you are fortunate enough to have your own layout.
We all need an escape from reality once in awhile, and right now is probably a good time for us all to try an de-stress and take our minds off the worries of the world, even if it is just for an hour or two.
The hands-on world of model railroading is indeed a special experience and the perfect way to immerse yourself in a creative outlet. Truly escaping reality using your mind is easier for some than for others, but achieving a sense of calm (and distraction) can be a great way to feel reinvigorated and able to cope with anything that life may throw at you.
It doesn’t seem to matter whether you’re a spring chicken, an old rooster… or somewhere in between. The personal satisfaction of building and operating a realistic miniature world (real or fantasy) is rewarding and absorbing fun… no matter what age you are. Model railroading is a truly rewarding leisure activity that will keep you busy, entertained, absorbed, and mentally insulated from the worries of the world for hours on end. That’s not to say we should completely ignore the realities of the real world, but we are all entitled to rest and reinvigorate our minds with a little escapism from time to time.
Our thoughts and prays go out to all those who have suffered (and will suffer) from the dreadful outcomes of the COVID-19 virus that is impacting the world we share. Take care!
Adding Sound and Lights to P & D Hobbies F Units
Kenneth has a question O scale, 2-rail enthusiast might be able to assist with:
“I have a number of P & D Hobbies F3 and F7 locomotives that I would like to upgrade with sound and lighting. Are there any easy drop in electronics for this?”
Walthers ML SD70 Engine Issues
HO enthusiast Matt sent in this question:
“I have a Walthers ML SD70 that runs almost perfect around my track. Just purchased 2 Scale Trains and 2 Athearn SD40-2’s. All 4 stutter or just don’t go at all. I made a small round test track that I could get them all to work after a few min with help nudging them along and would run fine. put them on my long track even with 2 power points in the middle and nothing again. “
Add your comment under this post.
Problem With Mantua 4-6-0 Locomotive Running Sluggishly
Dean sent in this question in the hope someone can assist:
“I have an HO scale Mantua 4-6-0 Rogers type steam locomotive and am having difficulties trying to figure out why it’s causing problems. It runs sluggish and almost stops at times. I did some troubleshooting by giving it an oil and cleaned the wheels but it hasn’t resolved the issue. I’m wondering if it could somehow relate to the binding? I admit it hasn’t been run much recently. I’m certain it’s not a track or power pack problem because I’ve operated larger engines on the same setup with any problems. It is sure to something that’s fixable, but what? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. Thanking you.”
Send in your own question for publication using one of the ASK A QUESTION links on this blog.
Add a comment in answer to Deans post by using the COMMENTS link under his post.
Missing Couplings
Mark will hopefully attach a photo in the comments section of his post where he asks:
“ I purchased two HO 4-6-0 hornby steam trains with tenders but having just looked closely I don’t see how I can connect them as there appears to be something missing, am I correct? Will need to attach photos when I can.
See marks photo when he posts it in the comments section under his post.
LED Lighting Rectifiers
Bill models G scale and sent in this question:
“I am trying to utilize a KBP 307 rectifier to convert 15v ac to dc for LED light strip purchased from a train show vendor. When connected to my transformer the ac side shorts out and won’t light the strip. The strip does light on dc just fine. Followed ac + – markings on rectifier ( the out side leads one on each side, two dc leads in the middle. What am I doing wrong”
Electronics Engineer Shares LED Tip
Bob Rimm kindly shared this ip:
“Thank for the news letter! As an electronics engineer I have been using Led’s since they first came on to the market. Some additional tricks is take two LED’s, add a 1N4148 diode in series with each on and wire them so that the anodes of Led and Diode go in one direction and the second set goes in the opposite direction. This will give you a brighter light and if you use a pulsing source such as the output of a 555 timer, you can adjust the frequency. This will allow one to increases or decreases the light output. Usually a frequency of approximately 1 Kilohertz will give you a usable amount of light.”
Bus Feed Wires
This question from a reader:
“ I have installed a single strand, heavier than 18 volt bus line as my feeder throughout my HO layout. Are there any advantages of disadvantages to doing this? I have as of yet not hooked the wiring up but only have slung this wire for the length of the layout.”
Rocket Jet on Model Train Display
Ted wants to add a jet model to his HO layout and seeks your advice:
“I would like to put a model of an X-15 rocket jet, like one I put together about 50 years ago, outside of a ‘Transportation Museum’ on my HO layout. All I have been able to find so far are models in 1:72 or twice that. Revell has made one that can still be found at 1/64th. I’ve found 1/200,1/100, and others more different from HO. Any ideas where I might find anything closer to HO, or ideas on how to make what’s there closer, or some way to make do. I have toyed with the idea of slightly one of the slightly smaller models somewhat in the background (much like putting N scale trains and buildings in the background to add depth.”
CDU with Terminal Blocks
Hi, my son and I recently designed a CDU with terminal blocks. See the following site for design files:
Will a 1/76 Tank Fit a 1/87 Flat Car?
Miles sent in this question:
“I spotted a Sherman tank I really like for an HO scale flat car load. My dilemma is; the tank is not HO or 1/87 but is more like 1/76 scale. Will this still work on my HO scale flat car?
Submit your own question using one of the many ASK A QUESTION links on this page, or add a comment to help out Miles with his question.