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Spot The Difference

Remember as kids playing “spot the difference” between two cartoons or drawings… well, why shouldn’t we have the same fun a few years on?

The two photos below of a model layout scene look the same, but there are actually 6 subtle differences between the two. Can you spot them?

spot the differenceIf you want to be the first to supply the 6 answers, you can submit them using the “Comments” link below.

It would also be good to get your feedback (using the “Comments” link). Would you like to see more “Spot the Difference” photos added in future weeks?

Reader poll results since posting these photos showed 84% wanted to see more “Spot The Difference” photos in coming months, so YES will bring you more.

Congratulations to Carl, Ron, Mickael, Lou, Ken, John R, Gordon, William, and Newman who were the first to correctly spot all 6 differences. You can see their answers in the comments (see below).

25 Responses to Spot The Difference

  • Alan Schmitt says:

    I could only find 5.
    1. One has the sun.
    2. The color of the oil drums is different in each photo.
    3. One has a sign on the wall.
    4. One has a man directing the hoist operator.
    5. In one the engine does not have a stack.

  • Phil Malavolta says:

    1. Sun
    2, Red Barrels
    3. Sign on wall of Freight Shed
    4. Man under Jib of crane
    5. Smoke Stack on Engine.
    6. NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!

  • Martin Olley says:

    1. Poster on hut in bottom picture missing
    2. Colour of oil drums to right of hut different in both pictures
    3. Missing man under crane in bottom picture
    4. Sun missing in top picture
    5. Missing loco chimney in bottom picture
    6. I just couldn’t find the last one!

  • John says:

    Sun removed
    Smoke stack removed
    Sign on Right hand building removed
    Red drums vs purple drums
    Guy behind the bent over fellow has disappeared
    #6 must be real subtle or so obvious I can’t see it

  • Anthony P Cassone Jr says:

    #1- Sun
    #2- drums different color
    #3- Engine smoke stack
    #4= Man missing
    #5- Sign missing on fright house
    #6- I don’t think there is a number 6

  • Carl says:

    1 – Sun (OFF / ON)
    2 – Wall sign (ON / OFF)
    3 – Locomotive stack (ON / OFF)
    4 – Crane operator’s signal man (ON / OFF)
    5 – Oil drums (RED / BROWN)
    6 – The R (r) on the photos’ titles (R / r)

    Tricky hey…….

  • Robert Reeves says:

    1. Poster on hut in bottom picture missing
    2. Colour of oil drums to right of hut different in both pictures
    3. Missing man under crane in bottom picture
    4. Sun missing in top picture
    5. Missing loco chimney in bottom picture
    6. Pressure gauge?

  • Bernard Hallas says:

    1-Loco Chimney missing in one
    2-The Sun added into the picture
    3-The man with his arms up directing the crane, behind the man in blue overall disappears.
    4-The poster on the side of the goods shed disappears
    5- The drums on the ground to the right of the shed are blue-purple in one & red in the other pic.
    6-The van sides look to be a paler shade of brown in one pic compared to the other.

  • Rusty Cahoon says:

    I found the same 5 as the rest but could not find number 6 the only thing i could think it would be is the one pic looked a little more clear than the other so im going with that as my number 6

  • Ron Bigham says:

    1) Top photo, no sun
    2) Top photo, barrels are red
    3) Bottom photo, missing man directing hoist
    4) Bottom photo, missing poster
    5) Bottom photo, loco stack missing
    6) Bottom photo, small r as in “railroad”. (Top photo is Railroad)

  • 1) Missing sun in top photo,
    2) Missing capital “R” in Bottom photo,
    3) Barrel sides are red in top photo,
    4) Sign on building is missing on bottom photo,
    5) Man underneath crane with arms raised is missing in bottom photo,
    6) Stack on first engine is missing on bottom photo.

  • Chimney on loco is missing sun is missing in top photo oil drums different color poster on freight station missing man with hands up under crane missing r is not uppercase at bottom of photo

  • Ken Weidner says:

    Top pic has no sun.
    Top pic has red barrels.
    Top pic has poster on side of shed.
    Top pic loco has a smokestack.
    Top pic has a worker under the crane with his arms up.
    Top pic the URL Railroad is capitalized.

  • 1. No sun in top picture
    2. Funnel missing from engine
    3. Notice missing on goods shed front wall
    4. Colour of oil drums at side of goods shed
    5. Man with his arms raised behind crouching man is missing
    6. Text of ModelrailroadHub.com is different
    ( That last one is very sneaky…well done)

  • Tom Lang says:

    Found all but the difference in the title, good one. Yes please keep doing doing this

  • Lou Spencer says:

    1. Smoke stack missing.
    2. Man behind bending man missing.
    3. Sun in the sky.
    4. Sign on building missing.
    5. Oil drums are different color.
    6. “modelrailroadhub” text is different . “R” capitalization is different

  • Geoff Aykroyd says:

    Well Robert, I got all the above but that last one, the ‘R’ in Railroad, took some finding ha ha. Very sneaky well done.
    I would be interested in doing other spot the difference, cheers.


  • Bruce Webb says:

    1. sun
    2. sky color
    3. smoke on engine
    4. second spotter removed
    5. sign on building
    6. color of barrels

  • John rees says:

    1/ sun
    2/chimney on loco
    3 barrels
    4 poster on building
    5 man under crane jib
    6 text is different

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    ! Sun Missing
    2 ,Lettering missing on Green Building
    3. Red Barrows are now Gray
    4. Stack Missing on engine
    5 Director for the crane with his arms up missing
    6. The first R in the caption at the bottom railroading is now lower case.

    My portable Layput called the Tree Stump Railroad goes to train shows and is an Eye Spy for kids while they watch the trains. (always a big hit at train shows) Similar thing Great job from Newman

  • Bruce Webb says:

    how about posting the answer so we can see if we are right note: i might be wrong about the sky it might be the r but i’ll stick with the sky color thanks PLEASE post more of these.

  • Marion says:

    Congrats to those first six! Yes, by carefully scanning a small, horizontal area at a time, I was able to get all six, but it did take me a while to spot the last one. Yes, tricky, indeed. I look forward to future “spottings”.

  • Ray Nicchia says:

    (1) – Sun (2)-Engine Smoke Stack (3)- Man Missing under Crane (4)-NESTLES Sign Missing (5)Barrels Red to Purple (6)-Railroad is Lower Case…Also Looks Like Color change On Brown Shed & Old Man’s Sweater & Red wheel on Cart? But could be Photo Color Difference. Thanks it was Fun Keep them Coming.

  • csgo says:

    Love the site– very individual friendly and lots to see!

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