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Understanding CV Addresses and Values
Mickey models HO and his question is:
“I am just having trouble understanding CVs. I have a passenger train with both working engines at either end. I would love some advice please? I have another 2 that start up but don’t move.”
2 Responses to Understanding CV Addresses and Values
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The first thing we probably should know about your problem is the type and make of locomotive(s) and the decoders you have installed in them. Look here for a master listing of CV values:
The main CV values you will have to use to get started are CV 2,3,4,5,6 They have to do with start, and cruising speeds basically. Addresses always come as 03 from a manufacturer, and there is a procedure that you can use to change addresses, preferably to the road numbers posted on the cab. If all else fails, the instructions for each decoder will have a “factory reset” paragraph or two in them.
I have been assisting several other people in the “realm” of DCC for several years.
soundtraxx online has many tutorials available on their web page, check it out.