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Turnouts for Bachmann GP40

Bruce models HO and asks:

“I spotted a Bachmann GP40 I want to buy but I think the turnouts on my switching layout will be too short or tight for it to operate. If I upgrade what turnouts should I go for #5 or #6? Thanks in advance.”

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4 Responses to Turnouts for Bachmann GP40

  • Raymond says:

    Their is no reason to change them, your gp40 will work just fine on #4 switches.

  • Glenn says:

    The length of the GP40 is 59′ 2″. That is not terribly long. I have no idea what your track geometry looks like but probably #5 and #6 would both work. I just finished an extension on my layout and went with #6 for all my turnouts. If you have the room I would suggest you do, as well. The GP40 might be your current heartthrob but you never know what the heart will want in the future.

  • Steve says:

    I have a GP40 on my lay out (Smallton on you tube) the turn outs are small and I don’t have a problem

  • Morgan Bilbo says:

    The box or instructions that came with the loco should tell you the minimum radius. A #4 turnout is still larger than the usual 18″ radius, so you should have no trouble.

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