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P2K Diesel E8 Derails

David asks:

“I can’t figure why my P2K E8 derails coming off my turnout. I checked it over and can’t find the cause?”

If you can help David, then please add your comment or suggestion under his post.

7 Responses to P2K Diesel E8 Derails

  • kevin says:

    A number of things could be wrong Wheels out of gauge loose rail ballast in frog or guide track misaligned track track out of gauge

  • Robert says:

    Is it just one turnout that it derails coming out of? If so then check there isn’t anything stuck in the frog or check rails. Give them a good clean. Another problem to look for is the moveable rail is slightly out of alignment with the fixed rail from the frog.Also check that the rails joining your turnout are not out of alignment at the fishplate. If that fails check your wheel guage and that the truck has sufficient swing to go round that radius.

  • David Stokes says:

    An opportune question.
    I installed a Peco medium curved turnout on the layout. It worked without fault for a while, and then I got some new 6 wheel bogied locos, now nothing gets through it without leaping (yes, leaping) off both routes.
    So I bought a new turnout at $42 Ozmoney, installed it and did the problem go away – no!
    I have checked the gauge of the turnout, the b2b of the wheels, the radius of the curves (36″ and 24″), even the flange ways of the frog, all is in order.

    • Robert says:

      Another suggestion is to check further back for rail mis-alignment sharp curce etc that could cause one of the wheel sets to ride up and then get caught in the turnout. This will happen when a rail joint on the outside of a curve has a small dip in it

  • The N-Scale Nerd says:

    Take a close-up video of what’s happening, even at different angles.
    That might turn up your problem.

  • Frank B says:

    Or just look closely from each side at the what’s happening, with good reading glasses or magnifier, running the loco slowly and carefully over the problem turnout and observing exactly where and when the derailment occurs.

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