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Build A Brewery, Freight Warehouse, Water Tower, or Steel Industry

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Ideas Wanted For Rural Layout

Keith seeks some suggestions:

“Hi everyone, I am relatively new (4 years) to this and have an unfinished 8.5ft x 5ft layout based around a rural theme. The track is in place with basically two ovals running around the perimeter with a couple of sidings and a passing track. I still have space for more structures (towards the center) and scenery features so am looking for ideas. I already have a small train station, a couple of farm buildings, and a small lumber yard. Just wondering what to add next to bring life and activity to my small-town rural community? Good to get some thoughts.”

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See Our Library Of 200+ Unique Plans For Both 3D and Background Structures That Can Be Constructed From Card Or Corflute – FREE CATALOG

HO-OO-N-scale building plansClick here for downloadable OO/HO and N scale plans.

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How To Model Water

Mason posted this question:

“I know there are lots of fancy ways to model water on a layout, but I am wanting to model a couple of little patches of water a bit bigger than puddles in a sort of ditch on the side of my little country road. I don’t need much water, but I want it to look a bit muddy and stagnant. What material or method should I use without going to the expense of buying resin?”

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Coloring Woodland Scenics Hydrocal

Ben asks:

“I had thought of coloring Hydrocal instead of painting it. Is this possible and worth doing?”

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Lionel 450 Bridge Wiring

Daniel asks:

“I’m sure this has been covered before, but probably missed it. Can someone tutor me in wiring the 450 signal bridge using an insulated track section. Thanks for any guidance.”

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Filing Turnouts – Yes? No? and How?

Reece needs guidance if you can help:

“I use Atlas track on my HO layout but have a derailment problem with my new turnout. The cars are in gauge, I checked each one that has derailed. I read to file the ends of the points so the wheels won’t catch, but am unsure about filing the closure and stock rails so they will perhaps fit better. Any tips towards solving this problem and the right way to do it welcomed.”

Free service – You can have your question published for free on the Model Train Help Blog (see the links on this page).

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Painting Track – Good or Bad Idea?

Doug H writes:

“Has anyone had success with painting their track to remove the unreal looking shine and black ties? To me black is not the right color as many ties were creosoted and darkish brown not shiny back. Real rails to me look rusty except on the top surface where the trains run. Feedback would be good please.”

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Make Your Own Impressive Silos

Purchasing scale model silo kits can be costly before you price in the cost and work involved required to paint and weather the kitsets. If you choose plastic models you’ll probably need proficiency with an airbrush to create an authentic representation of the real structure. The easier, and far less expensive option is to download plans to build your own silos avoiding the need for painting and airbrushing. That’s not to say that plastic models when constructed and finished carefully won’t look really impressive – they will. But so too will models built from downloaded plans. It basically comes down to the extent of your budget, how skilled you are with airbrushing and weathering, and which style you prefer. Both can look incredibly good and can be made really sturdy and durable. This quick clip shows some silos you can construct from downloaded plans.

Download silo plans here

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Adding a Tunnel in the Background

Aaron J asks:

“I don’t have enough space on my HO layout for mountains or hills but would still like the mystery of a tunnel. Would it make sense to have half a tunnel disappearing into my background wall? I have about 6 inches at the back and thought about building up the scenery to form the shape of a mountain against the background with a tunnel portal as a key element. I know I can’t run trains into the tunnel as they will hit a solid wall. Ouch! Has anyone done this?”

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N Scale Ballast Quantity

Steve asks:

“When purchasing fine ballast for N scale track, how much track can be completed with a ballast package. Or, how much should I expect to use per 3’ section of track?”

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Cheap To Make Cleverly Designed Extendable Buildings

Here’s a way to extend the background scene on a model train layout without blowing the budget. There are several plans to download that are designed to be easily joined together extending the background display. The first two warehouses pictured in this video are good examples. There are several other plans for extendable background buildings available from our blog sponsor https://www.modelbuildings.org

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Pete Share Photos Of The Farm House and Barn He Constructed

“Here is a farm house and small hobby barn diorama I have been busy working on during this virus lock down .. hope you like them and feel free to share. I have many more I have done also. This one is what I started with on a base after weathering the buildings and as it progressed. I am going to use them on my free-mo modulus. Although I am an amateur modeler, I try to capture and add as much detail as possible. I hope you enjoy my work so far. Take care be safe.”

farm house and barn models

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David Shares Photos Of His Mid West Layout

David H from Cleveland, Tennessee sent in these photos to share of his wonderful layout and writes:
“I notice a lot of industrial layouts.  I concentrate of the rural Mid-America I grew up in.  12ft x 23ft layout with homemade corn and soybeans long before commercial products were available.”
model train layout Cleveland, Tennessee

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Shane Shares Photo From The Great Electric Train Show

Shane from Buckinghamshire in the UK writes:

“Hi Robert, a great suggestion from you to send in photos and ideas to share at a time when we all need perking up. Here’s a photo I took at The Great Electric Train Show. It’s a scene I really liked and hope it heartens fellow modellers from around the world.”

The Great Electric Train Show Buckinghamshire

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Model Railways In South Africa

Peter Field from Pietermaritzburg, the capital and second-largest city in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa sent in this article and these photos to share with readers and hopefully inspire others to get involved in the wonderful hobby of model railroading. He even has a KIWI RAIL locomotive from New Zealand in his collection. Thank you Peter for sharing.

south africa model railways

Peter writes –

model railways south africanIn 2009 I wrote on the article that was published on your blog on my Love Affair with trains and model railways.

I built a demo layout for shows , however this turned into a more permanent layout, the layout was extended to its present size of 1.8m x1.2m then extended it and extended it yet to its present size of 5.5mx1.5m in 2018. This gives me +-14m of open trackage plus the shunting yards and run to the loco sheds. The layout is based on the South African railways in the 1960’s to 2018 or there about. Steam diesel and electric motive power operate on the board together as the layout is based on a small rural town near Pietermaritzburg in Natal.

I operate a fleet of 4 steam locomotives Class 16E the grey hound of the railways for its speed Class 15CA and classes 8-15. On the diesel side I have Class31,35,34,36 he electrics Class5E,6E, and the mighty Class 4E which was the largest Elec locomotive built for the SAR by England in the 1960’s.  The layout is a single track with dual track in the station as a holding track. The layout consists of a small rural village, shops, houses farms factories and a station. The factories are a small furniture factory, Cat facility, and the container deposit with a fuel deposit.

The operation of the board is that I make up the freight or goods trains in the yards and bring them into the station to be hauled. The passenger stock consists of three types one vintage wooden balcony coaches of the 1950 – 1960’s and then the 1970’s steel bodied coaches of the old SAR and lastly the Trans Karoo train which is todays train which operate long distance Johannesburg – Cape Town – JHB – Durban etc. Which are shunted in the tards and made up and taken to the station to be hauled. If I am using a 1950’s – 1960’s Wooden stock, then the motive power would be steam or early Class 31 Diesels. Steel body coaches Class 5E-ClassE motive power and if the trans Karoo (which means barren Land) then Class 34 Diesel is used or Class 7E.

How do I operate the trains if I use a Goods train then it is made up and hauled by either Diesel or Elec motive power some times by steam the train is operated for +-0 15-20 minutes brought into the station and uncoupled and loco returned to the sheds and the Class 36 shunter brings the train to the shunting yards where it is shunted into the various sidings or side lines next to the factories. The speed depends on the load and quantity of wagons being hauled +- 80kph. The Passenger trains also start from the station and are hauled by Class 34-35 or Class 6E or 7E. I operate the passenger’s trains for 15 – 20 minutes with stops every so often to represent stations, when completed the locomotive goes back to the sheds. The class 36 locomotive is a shunter and stays into the yard but ventures to the main station every so often to collect or deliver coaches or wagons to be hauled., so I can hold one train whilst the other is in operation on the passing loop. The Hilton station has two lines one is the main line and the other is the passing loop to hold trains whilst the other is operating on the main line.

Another fact is that the Hilton station was built in the 1880’a as the main line from the coast to the hinter land was being built. It is a wooden and corrugated iron building which is still in operation today as a coffee e shop and has a large Model Railway museum housing some three large layouts. Which is on my layout today.

D2419 model train

I have a piece of history that someone gave me some years ago. Some may recall that in the 1918 WW1 the peace treaty was signed in the dining salon 2419D in France by Germany and France. At the start of WW2 Hitler signed WW2 into operation in the same car at the same place in France and duly hijacked the dining salon which was part of the Wagon de Lits train Orient Express. This was used as his mobile war room during WW 2 and after the war was put in tunnel and burnt to ashes, however a sister to 2419D, was located in a museum in France after the war and duly named 2419D and is now a museum. There is never a dull moment as modellers know always something to do on the layout be it track work, scenery, erecting buildings painting and wiring etc.

Lastly, I have a visitor on my SAR system a Kiwi rail Diesel which is identical to the Class34 SAR. Many thanks for the wonderful news each month and the suggestions on model railroading in general.

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Rocket Jet on Model Train Display

Ted wants to add a jet model to his HO layout and seeks your advice:

“I would like to put a model of an X-15 rocket jet, like one I put together about 50 years ago, outside of a ‘Transportation Museum’ on my HO layout. All I have been able to find so far are models in 1:72 or twice that. Revell has made one that can still be found at 1/64th. I’ve found 1/200,1/100, and others more different from HO. Any ideas where I might find anything closer to HO, or ideas on how to make what’s there closer, or some way to make do. I have toyed with the idea of slightly one of the slightly smaller models somewhat in the background (much like putting N scale trains and buildings in the background to add depth.”

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Best Type of Lightweight Ballast Material?

David has this question:

I am searching for good looking light weight ballast material for size N. I need to source enough for around 60 meters of track which I need to to ballast. I can’t have the weight of stone material is too high, as the whole layout is hanging in wires from the ceiling for elevation. Any experience shall be appreciated.”

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