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0 and 0-27 Gauge Tubular Track

Bill asks readers:

“I am getting back into the hobby after 50+ years so I have numerous simple minded questions. Want to keep my Marx 999 on 0-27 gauge tubular track and I am thinking about going to Fastrack 0 gauge for my Lionel 1615. Do they still make 0-27 gauge tubular track? Where can you buy it new?”

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Spot The Difference – Layout at Australian Model Railway Show

I’ve had several requests to run some more SPOT THE DIFFERENCE puzzles as it’s been some time since I ran the last one. See how you go with this photo taken at a model train show in Queensland, Australia. The scene features a small country town. At first glance the photos look identical, but there’s actually 9 differences. How many can you find?

Simply add your answers using the COMMENTS link below.

spot the difference australian model trains show

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Connecting a DCC System to the Track

Don has this question for readers:

“Until now I have been totally DC, but thought I might test the waters with DCC. I recently purchased a Bachmann GP9 DCC locomotive and am running it in DC mode.

I’m just now sure how DCC systems get connected to the track. Are they connected the with two wires like on DC? And, if at any time I want to disconnect the DCC system and reconnect my DC transformer so I can operate my older my DC locomotives, can I do that? Depending on how I get on I might look at converting a couple of my older DC engines as I understand that’s possible?”

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What To Use To Clean Railroad Track

John asks:

“What product(s) should I use to clean track and wheels?”

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Problems With Class 42 Warship Diesel Mainline Make

Edward seeks help from fellow OO gauge enthusiasts:

Class 42 Warship Diesel Locomotive

“Hi everyone, I’m having problems with my Class 42 Warship Diesel loco. When it goes round my inside layout with r605 curves and single curves of same radius, the bogies jump of the track. Does anyone else had this problem? I’ve checked wheels for correct flange width. I checked the track, and all looks okay. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks. Edward”

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Electrical Connections For LEDs

Bert used the ‘Ask a Question’ link to post this question:

“I purchased individual strands of battery powered (2AA) micro lights from a Christmas closeout.  I intend to use a SPDT slide switch to control turnouts with one terminal lighting a red LED and the other terminal lighting a green LED.  A wire from the switch arm will be used to throw the turnout.  I plan to cut the strands into individual LED lights and solder them to the proper terminal such that when the turnout is changed, the correct LED is on.  I’ve read that LEDs have long and short terminal legs but there is no way to identify them on the encased light strand.  Any thoughts and comments regarding electrical connections would be greatly appreciated as I am an electrical novice.  Thanks for your help in advance.”

Disclaimer: Obviously, readers are advised to seek proper technical advice from a registered electrician for any job that involves live wires that could result in injury caused by an electrical shock.

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Train Operating Sessions – Do You Have A System?

It would be interesting to hear some different views on train operation methods. There will probably be many differing views. You can add your comment or suggestion using the COMMENTS link below.

Tenterden Model Railway Show


model train waybillsFor example; when you operate your trains do you start each session with the trains staged, or have you masterminded your operations plan thoroughly enough to enable you to complete each op session, and then start off from precisely where you left off the night before?

When you operate your railroad alone, do you use waybills, car cards, and a train sheet so you can begin the next time at the mark where you concluded last time?

Or, when you operate your trains with friends, do you start off each op session with the first moving train in the morning? This is presuming you have pre-positioned trains in the yard so that crews have a ‘soft’ start. Do you finish every session with the last train for the night? Or, when ‘time is up’ do you pick-up the session at a later stage?

Or, do you prefer to just run your trains with no real system in mind.

To be honest; there really are no right or wrong answers, so long as you are having fun and don’t cause a pile-up or derailment that could damage your trains or layout.

Those are just some possible scenarios that you might personally adopt, or that you might have at least considered.

Share your thoughts on op sessions and how you personally like to operate the trains on your layout by adding a comment (or advice) in the COMMENTS below this posting.

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Peco Electrofrog Turnouts

Christopher has this question:

“When I first got in to DCC I bought all electrofrog turnouts for my N scale layout. Then the guy at the Hobby Shop told me I should’ve used insulfrog turnouts. Is there anyway that I can still use the electric frogs? If so how do I stop them from shorting out the track?”

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Electric Pick-Up Wires for 2-Rail O-Scale Loco

Oscaler Jack asks:

“I need to add electrical pickup for both rails on a 2-Rail O-Scale power truck (and non-powered truck) and can’t seem to find available sources. I have been using phosphor bronze wire that I’ve jury-rigged for this problem but want a better solution.”

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Battery Powered Trains

Bill shares his thoughts with readers:

“For some years now I have been wondering why we don’t convert to battery powered trains powered by lithium rechargeable batteries. The loco could be controlled by a transmitter as is used for RC planes. The loco could simply be parked on a battery recharging section of track when the battery runs down. Imagine the headaches removed when track no longer needs to be wired. Are any manufacturers considering this?”

Add your comment below.

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Can Copper Telephone Wire Be Used For Model Railroad Wiring?

Phillip asks readers:

“I was wondering if the copper telephone wire would be suitable to wire up a DC N or HO/OO layout, or would the wire be to thin to carry the electricity?  I have stacks of telephone wire if I decide to build an N scale layout.  Any ideas/thoughts please?”

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How To Ballast Mountain Terrain Track

HO enthusiastic Jerry asks:

“I understand that, (in the real world), the stone ballasting is necessary for several reasons, including the keep the track from shifting.  And in most mountains, that are just dirt, that works the same as it does on flat ground.  But what do the railroad companies do in mountains that are solid rock? I imagine they cut a pathway, and need to plane it flat.  But then what?  I don’t suppose even ballasted track on solid rock would stay put.  So I wonder what they do so that I can know how to make the portions of my track that is on the outsides of mountain terrain, and therefore visible, look realistic.”

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Tortoise Switch Motors – Pros and Cons

Brian’s question:

“I am considering installing some Tortoise switch motors on my HO layout. Is this a good solution for a DC layout using Atlas turnouts? As I am new to these motors I am not clear on how these would be wired and powered. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.”

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Where to get info on how to wire on DC

Armando is starting off in HO scale and asks:

“I’m a beginner and need help to connect three tracks, but will like to run them in different directions with out having short circuits. I’m setting up with Bachmann Ez track. Any advice would be great.”

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Double Heading Marklin Loco

HO hobbyist Ed asks readers:

“Is it possible to doubleheader a Marklin loco?”

Add your comment and see other comments below.

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What’s The Best Distance Between Track Feeders?

Jim R models OO gauge and posted this question:

“I am about to install Kato Unitrack and am confused with what distance to put the feeders apart? I read every 6 track lengths on one webpage, and then read of another guy who ran power drops every 6 foot, and of some else who had 10 foot of track with a single feeder. I don’t know what to believe.”

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Bus Accident Scene Something Different

Wayne sent in this fascinating photo to share. His photo of a bus accident scene was snapped at the AMRSS Glasgow exhibition and shows the Obervaz Swiss Hom model railway. Lucky escape for everyone inside!
bus accident model railway scotland

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Clean Track, Axles and Pickups – How Often?

Online Train Club Member Tom posted this question:

“Two weeks ago I unpacked my new Bachmann loco and ran it over several days for nearly 25 hours give or take. The loco wheels and pickups are already very dirty despite cleaning the track several times. How often should I clean the track, axles and pickups? I’m running DCC.”

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