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How To Reduce Track Noise

Norman has a problem common to many layouts:

“I ran a vintage Lionel (California Zepher) around my room above the door and windows. When running the train, the noise from the wheels on the track is very loud. What can I put under the tracks on top of the plywood to reduce the noise?”

If you would like to assist Norman with a suggestion, then please use the COMMENTS link below his posting to add your thoughts. And, if you want to submit a question to the Blog Moderator for possible publication (10,000 readers weekly), use one of the ASK A QUESTION links on this site.

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POLL RESULTS: Do you run run Prototypical trains?

The results of the latest poll are in. Here’s how you voted when asked Do you run run Prototypical trains?

  • I run whatever I want as long as it looks good. I’m not against having a mix of modern & older cars. Anything goes. (62%)
  • Generally I try to stay prototypical, but with a few exceptions. (28%)
  • Yes, only prototypical. (5%)
  • What’s Prototypical? (6%)

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Power to Track but Locos Don’t Move

Gabriel seeks advice to solve his problem:

“After many years I’m back to model railways. My HO track is powered but the locos will not move. Please help.Thanks.”

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IR Switches, LED Lights and Resistors

HO enthusiast Don has sent in two questions for readers:

1. “IR switches have three wires coming out, think that the center one would be positive and the other two would positive out too one side or the other,  is this a momentary or a constant supply ? And, should there be a resistor on the IR switch?”

2. “I have a number of led bulbs, and a number of small led fixtures, information is connect a resistor to the bulbs, is that to each bulb  or a number of them in a group or collection of them.  Is there a + and – to each bulb?”



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How Good is Bullfrog Snot for Model Trains?

Craig asks readers:

“Can anyone tell me if Bullfrog Snot is really any good ,and does it do anything to the engine that it is put on?”

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Changing To DCC

Chris has a question:

“I’ve been running older straight DC Trains for the last year and they’re giving up and frequent brake downs. I am thinking of upgrading and this DCC is new to me. Any recommendations on how to start to learn about it? I’ve no clue as to what it does. Thanks.”

Recommended DCC resource.

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Painting Your Layout

Daniel models O scale and asks:

“I realize my question is a matter of preference, but would like feedback. Have created a large layout, but can’t decide on a basic overall paint color. Any suggestions or experience would be appreciated”

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Repairing a Transformer

Denny’s question:

“Does anyone know where I can get a MRC Tech II  transformer repaired?   Thank you for your response.”

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Your Ideas for a New Train Poll

If you have been following this Blog over the past several years you’ll know I often run reader polls.

If you have any ideas for some good poll questions, then you can submit them using the ‘Comments’ link below this posting.

Just a reminder this Blog is free and survives with input from readers like you, and with a small amount of advertising support.

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What to do when engines lose power?

Howard from Maine asks readers:

“On my O gauge layout I run four trains at the same time using a Lionel ZW transformer. I look after my locomotives servicing them correctly and each one works perfectly on its own. The problem is when I try to operate all four at the same time. That’s when things start to go pear shaped. The older ones in particular lose voltage and slow down usually in the same spot. I have tried attaching leads directly beneath the problem area, but the problem has not resolved. Can someone provide a possible solution, or at least suggest what to look for?

If you would like to have your question on this blog (10,000 readers weekly), use the ‘Ask A Question’ link below each posting.

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Digitrax System Problems with Power from Command Station / Booster

Aaron would like to hear from anyone who can assist with his question:

“I have issues getting power out of my command station/booster, to my breaker panel and to the HO track. Everything is hooked up correct from my power source to my booster, but nothing out in rail A and rail B to the track. What am I missing? Is there something I should know more about?”

Add your COMMENT below this posting.

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How To Post Your Question – Free Service for Readers

Although a lot of readers know how easy it is to post a question on the Blog, many have never used this free service. Hopefully this short video will show how simple the process is; and also how to post and view COMMENTS; and even add a photo.

Unlike other forums this blog is moderated to eliminate abuse and annoying spam postings. I want to maintain a high quality, so ask readers to carefully think through their questions and spell check them before sending them to the Blog Moderator for approval and publication.

Poorly worded questions that have lots of errors, or lack detail, are unlikely to get published. I know this sounds a bit strict, but having this policy is one of the reasons for the Blog’s success (with 10,000 readers weekly). The quality of answers sent in by readers is generally very high, especially when the question is well worded with ample details to explain the problem. Keep up the good work!

Please share this posting with your friends on Facebook, by email etc. They might like to use this free service to assist them in the hobby.

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Extension Plates for DCC System

HO enthusiast David asks readers:

“I have MRC DCC system and I want to put 2 extension plates in. My question is can I use telephone internet plates?”

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A Train That Weighs The Same As 27,000 Elephants?

Here’s some interesting and strange facts worth sharing –

Get the free downloadable sample building here.

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Ballast for O Gauge

Reader Rob T wants to hear your thoughts on ballasting:

“I am building a O gauge layout and ready to put down ballast. Is there a better source to buy ballast than Woodland Scenics? Woodland has ballast in fine, medium, and coarse sizes. What size of ballast would you use? I was thinking about going with the light gray coarse ballast since most of the roadbed here in Texas is from limestone. At $13.00/bottle I would like to get it right the first time. I enjoy this website and used alot of suggestions.”

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Which Track To Use?

Louis would like to hear from readers as to what type of track they personally prefer:

“Which track would you use for building my HO layout – Bachmann E-Z Track Nickel-Silver W/Gray Roadbed, or KATO Unitrack or Atlas code 83 track?”

Use the ‘COMMENTS’ link below this posting to add your thoughts.

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A Quick & Easy Way To Make Little Bus Shelters For Your Layout

Add small details can really add interest to a layout and make it more closely resemble a real scene. These little shelters are an example of a how a small object can bring activity to a railroad scene. They’ll need a bus and maybe some people waiting nearby or walking to a shelter to catch a bus… that’s activity… and that’s the kind of thing that will bring a layout to life. These shelters could also be used as small storage sheds in a farm scene. All kinds of options.

More info on how to make these little bus shelters here.

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Problem with Timing & Quartering Loco Wheels

HO train buff Peter posts this question to readers:

“I replaced the small drive wheel gear on my Bachman 2-8-0. I have spent literally hours trying to get the timing or quartering right. The loco just will not run smoothly. I don’t want to purchase a quartering tool as they are super expensive to purchase where I live. Any advice will be appreciated.”

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