Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Locomotive Stalling But No Shorting
HO enthusiast Carl has this question for readers:
“Hi guys, I’m having trouble with my new BLI S-3. The loco runs fine, except on my turnouts.I have both Peco and Atlas,and it stalls on all of them. Not shorting though, as power stays on the rest of my layout. I’m at a loss, because my other steamers run fine. I have a challenger, a class A, and a 2-8-2. I’ve tried insulating the turnouts, taping over the frogs,and rewiring. It’s the only one of my 14 locks that does this. Any ideas would be appreciated, or has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.”
Transformer Keeps Tripping
Rick model S scale and asks:
“I am looking for a good strong 18 VAC transformer to power a lot of accessories and lights. My AF 30B transformer keeps tripping and I think I need more power than the 330 watts it puts out. Is anything available? I’m not having much luck finding a supplier on the internet, but maybe someone knows of a stockist.”
Solving Lighting Problems On Model Railway
N scale enthusiast Mervin sent in this question for reader:
“I have just recently started having trouble with my lighting. For some reason my lights burn out. I am using the small lights for housing and such, but all of a sudden my lights burn. I am not sure if it is the electric transformer or if the lights are getting too much power. I also have some street lights, to be exact 20 of them, with 2 wires coming out but no way to attach them around the neighborhood. I need suggestions on how to place these lights and how to keep them light.”
If you can assist Mervin, simply add you suggestions using the COMMENTS link below his posting.
If you have a question you would like to submit to the Blog Moderator for possible publication, then after thinking it through, you can submit your question using the ‘ASK A QUESTION’ link under any of the postings on this page. This model train blog has more than 10,000 readers weekly so someone will have the knowledge to help you if your question is well thought out and clearly worded with adequate details provided.
Backdrop Structures on Show in France
Here is an example of some background buildings sent in by club member Yanis G for France. Yanis shot the scene at his local train show.
Problems With Wiring
Bob M asks readers:
“I have a N scale 4’x 8′ layout that I am happy with, but I can only get small sections to work so I am clearly not understanding what I need to do with regards wiring. Thanks for any suggestions.”
Perhaps Bob M could add some more details to his question in the comments section as this will help readers better understand the problems he is having and know the solutions he has already tried.
If you would like to have your questions published, you can use the “Ask a Question” link below any of the postings. TIP – The best thought-out questions usually get the best answers.
Minimum Radius for Trains
Tyson used the link below to post this question to readers:
“I am new to model trains.What is the minimum radius i should be using on the main lines for n scale and what is the minimum distance i need to keep from the track to the edge of the layout. My layout size is 3 x 6.”
DCC Control For New Layout
Bob asks readers for advice:
“I am now retired and going to build my first system in HO. All new layout. I have obtained cheaply ($1 each) about 70 HO rolling stock. All locomotives will be purchased new.
I have space for a 12’x4′ main layout with space for a 3’x8’+3’x4′ L shaped extensions off the main layout. The main will be constructed first.
I am interested in yard operations but also want a passenger train loop. Most of the rolling stock is modern ( circa 1980 and later) so I am expecting to build out a modern era layout that is intermodal focused.
I am a good programmer in many languages and very technically inclined. My system will be DCC from the start. I do not want to needlessly spend money to get what I want and need, however, that said the cost of the DCC controls is not a constraint.
With the above in mind I am interested in advise on which DCC system would best:
1. Allows me to control the entire operation under automatic programmed computer control.
2. Allows control via IPad and IPhone
3. Allows automated control of block control lights, gates, etc.
4. Be as simple as possible but no simpler
I am not tied into anything now so this is a “clean slate” design. While I am not going to have a prototype layout I am interested in simulating as many modern prototypical operation aspects as practical.
Any guidance on makes, models, software, tips and traps, or any other help on deciding which DCC system is appropriate for my needs would be greatly appreciated.”
Lionel Train Won’t Work
Daniel hasn’t provided much detail, but hopefully someone might havd some suggestions to help him. Perhaps he could add some more details to his post such as solution she has already tried etc.
He asks:
“My lionel sd-40 works on others peoples layout but not mine…any ideas?”
A DC Layout 40 Years Ago
Don sent in this question:
“When I first started with trains ( adult) size, a gentleman had a layout that 5 or 6 trains in a yard, when one train came in it started the next automatically switching turnouts one after another using reed switches, is any one familiar with this switching?”
When to Use a Rectifier for Lighting
Tony M posted this question for readers:
“My question is about adding lights to buildings on my layout. The bulbs I have are 1.5v and my power packs are 19v ac output. My buildings I have that already have lights work ok, but the 1.5v bulbs blow when I hook them up, which is because of voltage difference. I am just a bit unsure how to fix this problem. Do I need a rectifier?”
Crossover Problem
Chris asks: “I’ve a problem with my HO Atlas (X) cross over in that I get a stall and will not go through. If I power through it sometimes works and others a hesitation. I’m running straight DC with equipment from the 1960-1970’s except for track (Peco & Atlas).”
Resolving A DCC Problem
Franks is hoping someone can assist with this problem:
“I have 2 identical OO gauge BR 0-4-0 Class 06 diesel shunters. At present I have an oval test track. I have fit identical Decoders to both (laissdcc 2 function 6 pin). One runs perfectly well in the direction that the other trains with the same decoder run but one only runs the opposite way. It runs perfectly in forward and reverse but if I turn it round to run the same way as the other trains it will not go in either forward or reverse. Presently I am using a Hornby select controller as I am waiting for the return of my NCE powercab from America. I have tried altering the wiring in the loco all to no effect. Could this just be a faulty decoder or is it something to do with the loco or Hornby select. Any replies would be much appreciated. One very frustrated modeler.”