Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Engine Condition
Phil writes:
“I ran across a Lionel engine that is about 70 yrs old and in poor condition. I have attempted to clean it up, but I can’t get the engine drive wheels to move manually. I only have the engine and some cars. The engine is a Lionel 027. Any info on this train would be appreciated.”
Quality of Locomotives
Andy asks:
“Hi all. I’m getting back into the hobby after a 40-year absence. There is a good deal going on an N scale loco that I like. Can I have a consensus from your readers on the quality/reliability of Broadway Limited Imports equipment? Thanks in advance”
Broadway Limited Rolling Thunder Compatible With MRC 2000
Chris asks:
“I have an original MRC 2000 DCC system that runs up to 10 HO scale trains. I just purchased a beautiful CSX Broadway Limited rolling thunder and I’m hoping the sound functions will work with my MRC 2000. Anybody know?
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Broadway GE ES44AC
Don Models N Scale and posts this question:
“I cannot get the 3 Broadway GE ES44AC that I own to run at more than a crawl. I have changed cv’s as per advice to no avail. Any help with the settings would be appreciated. They run on a very large Digitrax layout. Thank you.”
Please contribute your thoughts if you are able to assist Don.
Wire Connections – 12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, 22 Gauge
Gary models in HO and posted this question:
“I will have drops 20 gauge to 22 gauge wires and will run a 12g buss. I presume I can’t use suitcase connectors to connect the 20g or 22g to a 12g wire. However, I can only locate yellow t taps for 12g which need a 10g or 12g connecting wire on a spade. Can I use yellow t taps for 12g with 20g or 22g wire on the spade? I hope this doesn’t sound too confusing because I am starting to get confused myself now? HA! HA!”
Contribute your thoughts below.
NEW Background City Series – Pack B
Types of Bachman Track
Vic models HO and writes:
“I have an older Bachman train set that has track that uses track connectors. I cannot find this type of track anywhere. All I can find is the EZ Track type that snaps together. Does anyone know what the type of track I have is called and where I can buy more?”
ON SALE – 13 Plans To Make A Wild West Town Complete With Saloon, Sheriff Office, School House, Telegraph Office, General Store, etc.
The street scene photo above was kindly supplied by Mike Racine.
Mike said, “I named the town Racine City Nevada. I built this for my Pop because he loves old west stuff. The buildings were awesome and easy to build. It just takes a little patience, a steady hand (sort of), and a bit of creativity. The cool thing is you can add whatever woodworks on the outside and the combinations are endless. I just wanted to that with your products and a good imagination you can make any train layout or diorama a beautiful work of art.”
Double Shelf Layout
Hanks asks readers:
“I am building an HO double shelf layout in a small room. The question is, how high should the second shelf be if I am going to use a helix to reach it? If possible please be specific and detailed in your response. Thanks.”
Contribute your suggestions below.
Turntable Reverse Polarity
Tony models OO and asks:
“Having got my Arduino-controlled Turntable working at last, will I have to reverse the polarity of the complete railway setup when the engine does a 180-degree turn on the turntable? And, if so, how do I do it? Ta in advance for your help.”
Making Hay Bales For A Diorama Scene
Mark asks:
“In the scale HO I wish to create hay bales… any suggestions will be helpful. I have constructed a stable and have horses. I am looking for a felt-like fabric to paint maybe? Like the stuff hats are made of. Any ideas please?”
DCC Engine Sounds Working on Older MRC Command 2000 Control
Chris models HO scale and asks:
“I just bought a beautiful CSX broadway limited rolling thunder engine, so I’m wondering if the sound (not the thunder part) will work on my old MRC Command 2000 controller?”
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No Track Power After Ballasting
Darryl runs HO and would like some help:
“I ballasted about a third of my track and have tried to run a train, but no power to the track. It worked before with good voltage, and I haven’t changed any wiring. I have DCC and the cab still has power. Where should I start? Hoping for some help.”
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