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Ballasting Ralph’s Way
Ralph Hammond writes:
“I was prompted to scribble this short piece after I showed a mate of mine how I go about ballasting. I appreciate that many of your readers will already know this stuff, but I’m sure there will be others who don’t. My railroading mate who I thought knew everything said he learned a few tips. Please share it with your contacts if you think it will be helpful to them.”
Ralph’s ballasting methods –
The first point to make is I used a medium-grade ballast on my main line and a finer ballast on the yards and sidings.
I start by spraying the ballast with Isopropyl Alcohol mixed with 30% iso and 70% water. I let it seep deep through the ballast. After waiting a while I apply the glue. Instead of using the more expensive Woodlands Scenic Cement, I use diluted PVA white glue to hold down my ballast. I use a pipette syringe to suck up the glue/alcohol, then squeeze it so it flows out slowly as I move over the track. I apply quite a lot of glue, except around moving points (turnouts) where I’m extra careful.
To make it look real I mixed in some darker ballast to simulate the grease where my locomotives might stand for long periods of time and depict oil and grime dripped from the cars.
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Tightest Radius Curve for 85′ Cars
Paul models HO and asks:
“I want to extend my shelf layout along the sidewall. I will need a 90-degree turn. I have a long a passenger train with Walther 85′ cars, so was wondering what would be the smallest radius I would need to avoid derailments?”
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Track Current
Ed asks:
“Hi everyone, I have been building my ho scale city for 8 years and finally I have my trains running however for two days for some reason I have no current running through my tracks. I have checked all connections (soldered my droppers with main), rail joiners. I have a DCS 100 with a Dt 602. Any input would be helpful?”
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Another 9 Impressive Scale Model Houses To Make – Watch Video
Lionel ZW Transformer Issue
Steven writes:
“Hello, I just purchased a ZW transformer over Christmas and got it running. It worked great on all 4 throttles. Then there was a derailment and now D-U doesn’t work but A-U, B-U & C-U still work fine. I took off the cover and everything looks in good shape however I did smell a slight odor; not sure that is normal or associated with the short (train derailment). I measured the resistance on A-U and I get 236 ohms while I get OL on B-U, C-U and D-U however D-U is the only throttle that doesn’t work. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.”
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Foamboard on Plywood
Nigel W asks:
“I have been watching videos on laying foam board, onto the plywood, Please can you let me know why?
Is this better than laying railway tracks straight onto the plywood? I will be setting up a DCC layout soon. If I do lay down foam board onto the 3/4 inch plywood and then lay ‘Woodlands-track bed underlay’ on top, then lay the track; will this be the correct thing to do?”
Wiring The Track For The First Time
Chris is planning an HO DCC layout and writes:
“I had an O scale friend of mine tell me that when you wire the layout you should run electricity to the track every 2 to 3 feet throughout the layout. I’ve only ever known to wire it to one part of the layout. He said that wiring it to multiple parts takes away the hesitation the engine has as it goes through different stretches of railroad. Does anybody know if this is correct?”
Raised Second Track
Steve writes:
“Hi everyone. I was a newbie and I did a full HO layout for the first time on a 8 x 4 board and really enjoy it. Was thinking about expansion upwards and was thinking of running a raised track on top of the one I have – the only piers/risers I see have flat bottoms which obviously won’t work. Any ideas or is my idea one that can never work. Thanks in advance.”
Track and Engine Type
A different Mike who posted below writes:
“it’s been a while since I have been in the hobby so do I buy a set or individual engine and cars? Wondering about the type of track, brand for all of the above? I want N scale, diesel, and am looking at small layout and a mining scene. Thanks.”
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Track Insulators
Barry writes:
“It has been a long time since I have written anything, about anything. We will be moving to the sunflower state (Kansas) and l will have a room for my model railroad HO scale 10 x 12. On the picture is a layout or design if your readers could help me a little on where the track insulators would go? Thanks.”