Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Why Do My Loco Wheels Get Dirty So Quickly?
Aaron posted this question:
“I run two Atlas GP38s that can operate on DC or DCC according to the jumper setting. I have no problems with the engines but the wheels get dirty quick after about 5 minutes of running so they then start to run erratically. I share the track with others but haven’t heard of similar problems with their locos. When I clean the wheels I use a disposable tissue and mineral spirits. Feedback appreciated.”
Submit your suggestions on keeping Atlas wheels clean by pressing the COMMENTS link.
Maintaining Track for Smooth Trouble-Free Operations
Russell asks readers:
“My trains (HO) run pretty good but wobble a bit in places. They don’t stall much. I have rubbed the track gently with very fine grade sand paper and I think this has helped. A mate of mine here in Australia said I would be better off using rubbing alcohol. Now I don’t know what to do? Should I try both, or just stick with what seems to work already?”
Submit your question for publication below.
Trains Grind to a Halt a Few Days after Completing Track Work
Daniel is desperate for suggestions:
“Last week I was proud of myself for the job I did unaided on my track work. My layout is HO and I’m using Digitrax Zepher by the way. I wired everything myself (I thought I was really clever!!), and ran a couple of locos on the different routes and tested different turnout combinations. I powered things down and went to visit my daughter for the weekend.
Yesterday I powered everything up again and NOTHING! I thought maybe a short when the track status blinked. I then searched for a stray track nail and double checked each connection, but couldn’t see any issues. I just don’t understand how everything was working perfectly one day and not working a few days later?
I disconnected and reconnected the track wires from different sections, but I still have the same problem. I just can’t understand why it worked then it didn’t. I’m almost tempted to go visit my daughter again for the weekend and try powering up again next week. Maybe it will magically work again? Help please?”
Reserve Loop Wiring Advice
Ron Bailey sent in this question:
“I am working on my OO gauge layout in my garage and will have a reverse loop. I have been told about the Digitrax AR1 automatic loop. I am wondering how to wire things as there are a couple of dead end sidings in the loop? A portion of the loop is the main line so I was curious how the reverse loop would operate with these sidings?”
Drawing credit: digitrax.com
Problem with Cars Derailing On Turnouts
Lana posted this question. To view the answers, or submit an answer, just click on ‘Comments’ under this post.
“My cars sometimes derail on my ez Bachmann track turnout. The problem doesn’t happen every time. Often the engine loco follows the set switch direction but a car behind travels up the switch curve. What’s causing this please?”
Have your question published. Send it to the Blog Moderator using the ‘Ask A Question’ link below any of the postings.
Quick Model Railroading Tips Sent In By Readers
Gavin sent in this model railroading tip:
“I use small nails and heat them up and put them into the base of the trees. I can also change out my trees for different seasons as my layout changes from Spring to Fall and then winter.”
Dave contributed this tip:
“If the small part does make it to the floor, use a vacuum cleaner with a nylon stocking taped over the end to find it. The nylon will prevent the part from being eaten by the vacuum.”
You can post a comment on these model railroading tips by using the COMMENTS link below.
If you would like to post a question, or share a model railroading tip or two, just use the ASK A QUESTION link to send it to the Blog Moderator for publication.
When You Need To Super-Elevate Track For Trains Moving Through A Curve At Speed
Super-elevation on real railroads is when the outer rail of the track is elevated so as to compensate the centrifugal forces that happen when a train passes through a curve at speed. Sound complicated? Let me explain it another way.
Super elevation is basically the difference in elevation (height) between the two edges of railway track (or a road). It is normally seen where the railroad (or road) has a curve; raising the outer rail (or the outer edge of the road) to provide a banked turn. This allows a train (or vehicle on a road) to traverse the curve at a higher speed than would otherwise be possible.
Having such a system neutralizes the effect of lateral force. It provides better load distribution on the two rails and reduces wear and tear of rails and rolling stock. In addition it provides smooth running of trains (and more comfort for passengers), and if designed and operated correctly, should result in fewer derailments.
However, excessive elevation in curves can increase the risk of derailment. When running significantly under balance speed, or operating on over-elevated curves, a significant portion of the vertical weight of the car is transferred to the low rail. The wheels can lift off the higher rail.
The following diagram provides a good perspective on the process of super elevation on a real railroad. Super-elevation should happen gradually as the train proceeds over the length of the track entering the curve (entry easement). Maximum super elevation would be reached when the train is into the curve. The train would then ease back down to level as it comes out of the curve and proceeds along the length of track exiting the curve (exit easement). Following this process, the train is able to stay at speed whilst navigating the entire curve.
That’s how the system works in the real world, so modeling the same process on a model railroad makes sense as it will add impressive realism to train operations.
Unfortunately it is something that is often over-looked at the planning stage, or put in the “too hard basket” during construction. Fact is; the process is not that difficult.
The way most hobbyists tackle it is to use strips of basswood, or something similar, and lay a series of splines along the outer curve edge. Sanding the transition into the super elevation can be somewhat time-consuming, so the following should help to simplify the process.
How To Prevent Dull Solder
“I am new to soldering and wondered why my solder finish is kinda dull and even a bit grainy in appearance. Is that how it should be or am I doing something wrong?”
Send in your question to our volunteer Blog Moderator and have it published on this Blog. The link is directly below.
Adding Weight To Tank and Passenger Cars
Online Model Train Club Member Larry has this question:
“I saw somewhere something a while ago about the weight of HO cars and I can’t remember if they said they need extra weight added? That’s okay for flat cars or box cars because you can add a load and disguise the weights. I wondered how to weigh down a tank or passenger car? How much weight would I need to add?”
To submit a question for publication, simply use the ‘ASK A QUESTION’ link under any of the posts.
Members Heartbroken By Loss Of Their Life’s Work on Club Layout Destroyed By Senseless Vandalism
Bill Sowerby, exhibition manager of the Market Deeping Model Railway Club in the UK is seen here clutching one of the damaged structures.
Four teenage boys have been arrested, and bailed, following the vandalism at the Market Deeping Model Railway Club. Well-wishers and fellow model train enthusiasts have already donated over £80,000 in just two days. Sir Rod Stewart who said he “feels the club’s pain” donated £10,000. Fellow model train enthusiast Pete Waterman who also generously donated said members’ had “lost their life’s work” and that they would be “heartbroken” by damage.
Read the full story at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7052557/Police-arrest-four-teenage-boys-model-railway-wrecking-spree.html
Rod Stewart donates £10k to model railway enthusiasts after shock vandal attack
Rod Stewart donates £10k to model railway enthusiasts after shock vandal attack
Switch Wiring Question
Ren T models in N scale and asks:
“Can I wire a red & green LED signal status light to DC Bachmann turnout control switch? I want a green light for mainline direction and and a red light when the switch is not in position to direct trains off the mainline?”
Send in your question for publication. There is a link below.
View the comments, or add a comment to Ren’switch wiring question. There is a link for that below too.
Should I use Code 75 or Code 100 Rails?
Should I use Code 75 or Code 100 Rails
Jacob from Ispwich in the UK wants to know:
“I am planning for OO gauge which I read is like HO overseas and want to know if I should go for code 100 or perhaps code 75 rails? Not sure?”
Submit your question to the Blog Moderator for publication by using one of the ASK A QUESTION links on this blog.
Correct Flange Distance?
Online Model Train Club member Roger S asks readers:
“What would be the right distance between truck flanges in N scale?”
Submit your answer, or view the answers to Rogers question on flange distances by clicking the COMMENTS link underneath.
Submit your own question to the Blog Moderator for publication by using one of the many ASK A QUESTION links.
Adding A Residential Street Scene To Your Layout
The modelbuildings.org site has a range of plans for making a residential street scene including 3D UK and USA style houses as well as a range of space saving scale model houses in low relief for positioning against your backdrop.
The feedback on these 8 scale model houses has been excellent with many readers telling their friends about them. The designer of these 8 plans certainly spent considerable time perfecting the accurate and intricate details… and it shows.
The 8 scale model house plans are available now for 70% off the individual listed price.
Verandas and posts can easily be made using balsa wood and then be painted. You can print out extra windows and doors and glue then behind cut out doors and windows to give an added 3D effect, or you can cut out 3 sides of a door or window and leave it slightly open… again adding to the 3D realism. Ground cover is obviously not included, but most in the hobby will want to do this themselves anyway.