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Poor Running N Scale Locomotive

Aaron asks readers:

“I have a few brand Broadway Limited N scale Locomotives all run badly. They stop for no reason and I have to have supply full power from the power pack. Kato Locomotives run on the same layout no problem. I have Katu Unitrack 3’x11′ double track layout. What is the likely cause?”

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Lionel Loader Reliability

Dan writes:

“I want to buy a Lionel barrel loader and unloader. Which is more reliable and fixable, 340 series or the latter series, like 1200 and 3700 series? Thanks for any advice.”

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Operating Searchlight 6-26892

Mark models O scale and writes:

“Hello. I purchased a Lionel North Pole Central operating searchlight No. 6-26892 at an estate sale. Box & plastic packaging, but no instructions. I’m running on FasTrack & was wondering if I need a certain accessory track to operate the car. Thanks.”

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Problem with GP38s

Shayne writes:

“After 2 years of inaction, I decided to get back into the hobby, but I’m no expert. My 2 HO locomotives, both Bachmann DC GP38s don’t want to run. The lights operate and even after oiling the motors they still won’t go. Do you guys have any suggestions?”

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Children Hands On With N scale

Col writes:

“My 6-year-old grandson is a train fanatic and, although he still likes Thomas, showed real enthusiasm for the less colorful, more realistic trains and layouts at a recent train show I took him to. I’d like to build a small layout for him in my garage, but at most I only have enough space for a 5ft x 2ft layout, so it would need to be N scale or smaller. I know he would want to handle the trains, put them on the track etc, and I fear N scale might be too frustrating and delicate for him (and me)? Advice please, because I don’t want him to lose interest?”

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Make an Old Wild West or Mining Town for Your Railroad – Plans for 28 Realistic Structures – HO, OO, N Scale

west west models for sale


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Arduino controlled Turntable

 Tony models in OO and writes:

I’m having great problems getting my Arduino code to work. I have the Turntable working but can’t get the code to do what I want when the Hall Sensor is working. As soon as the Hall sensor starts the turntable stops and will not move at all.

Here’s the part I can’t make good:

The final bit is just where the Turntable goes and how long it stops for. 

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Hornby R8249 DCC Decoder Compatibility

David asks:

“Will a Hornby R8249 DCC decoder be compatible with another brand controller e.g. NCE Powercab?”

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Cleaning Train Corrosion

Bob asks readers:

“I’ve unpacked my o gauge train after two years. There is quite a bit of build up of corrosion. What can I use to clean it off?

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Consist Speed Matching

Mason asks:

“How do you speed match locos so that any locomotive can be consisted with any other locomotive?”

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Steam Engine Lubrication and Tune-Ups

Peter writes:

“Wondering how often I should tune up/lubricate my 2 N scale steam engines? What are the telltale signs they need doing if any?”

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Unusual Ballasting Technique

Bernard asks:

“I read where someone used mixed ballast with gelatin before wetting it down to hold the ballast in position. This is instead of spraying glue and water on the ballast. Has anyone done this and will it hold in place over many years?”

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Automating Turnouts Using Digitrax

Jan has this question for readers:

“I have an N scale loop to loop railroad using Kato track. I want to automate each reversing loop so that the train can operate without hand-switching tracks. What does the wiring look like using BD4N and DS74 with DSXC4? I can find wiring diagrams using older parts (BD4 & DS64) but cannot find diagram using the upgraded parts.”

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Weights for Powered Engines

Jim operates HO scale and asks:

“I Run mostly Athearn Blue Box engines, but the real question is — is there a recommended weight for powered engines? I know there are weight recommendations for rolling stock (by length of vehicle ). As for wheel sets, I run code 100 track, does this effect the wheels, especially the flanges?”

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Local HO Train Clubs

Tim writes:

“I am looking for HO train clubs in my area which is Redlands, California 92373. I live 60 miles east of Los Angeles and 50 miles west of Palm Springs California. Can anyone advise me please?”

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18 Inch Curved Track Spacing

Darryl asks:

“How much space should I allow between parallel tracks on straights, but especially on my 18-inch curves in HO?”

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HO and OO Compatibility

Maria asks:

“Is it feasible to connect an OO gauge turnout to an HO track made by the same manufacturer?”

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Track Confusion

Stephen asks:

“I need a little help how do i figured out what flex 2.87″ is in inches, 2.9″ in inches, 4.71 in inches I’ve tried and tried no luck. I don’t want to keep cutting different links.”

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