Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Which Baseboard Materials To Use?
Justin is starting out in OO and asks:
“I will use 100mm x 50mm timber (I think that’s 2×4 in the USA) for the framework of my first-ever layout. I think that should do the job. I am however I bit unsure about what material to use for the baseboard. Can your readers advise please? Thanking you.”
13 Old Wild West Town Models To Make Including This Authentic Looking Telegraph Office and Stage Coach Station – WATCH VIDEO DEMO
Watch this quick demonstration of how to build the old wild west telegraph office and stage coach station building. You can download the plans and see all 13 wild west models here https://www.modelbuildings.org/wildwest-mining
This video shows construction to OO scale, but the plans can also be constructed to HO scale or N scale.
Hornby Locos Test
Garth asks:
“I am cleaning Hornby HO locos (DCC) for a friend and want to test them. I have a Digitrax system. On the Hornby box it indicates the power to the loco is DC (direct current). The track power from the Digitrax is AC and I’m concerned this may damage the decoders in the Hornby locos. We live in different towns, so I can’t easily test on his track.”
If you are able to advise Garth, please add your thoughts below.
Circuit Polarity and Power Needed To Haul 4 Engines
David asks:
“I have an N scale layout DC system with five main loops, a number of sidings and a turntable using a separate DC controller for each of the five main loops and isolating switches for sidings and turntable. My question is going to DCC do I just parallel up all circuits maintaining same polarity? The main layout is approximately 8X4 feet, each loop is probably about 20 feet. Also what size power supply would I need to probably run about 4 engines at any time?”
You can comment below.
How To Build Tall Scale Model Industrial Buildings To Add Detail, Character, and Realism To A Model Train Backdrop Scene. Watch How…
This demonstration shows the more complex method of construction this scale model, because uses a method of cutting out the doors and windows to provide a greater 3D effect. You can simply glue the plan to card or corflute (foam board) instead which will still provide a good 3D effect, but not to the same extent. Simply decide which method you prefer based on the 3D effects you want to achieve.
You can download the plans at https://www.modelbuildings.org/background-buildings
NCE Power Cab Issue
Richard sent in this question:
“I have a problem and I am hoping that you and you followers can help. I am located in Florida and have not been able to get help locally. I have all new DCC equipment and NCE power cab. Everything was running fine and the next day it was not running at all. The screen on the handheld was showing “NCE procab v1.3 cab address =02″. I called NCE and they told me that I have a short. How can that be and what do I do?”
Radio Controlled Locomotives
Zolton asks:
“Hello everyone, Could someone recommend me please a supplier who is offering HO scale locomotives having a radio remote control and battery on the loco, so I do not have to use a digital control and energy supply trough the rails?”
How To Sell My Model Train Layout
Gordon asks:
“We’re downsizing and I need to dismantle and sell off the freightable components of my layout i.e. engines, rolling stock, and possibly structures… if they stay in one piece. I know I will need to trash some things. If you have tackled this exercise then I would be interested in your experiences and any suggestions or pitfalls. I’m not sure who to approach or where to advertise. I know I will take a big loss but I have had a lot of enjoyment over the years. Ideas please.”
If you can guide Gordon, please post your comments and suggestions below.
Proto 2000 GP9 Gear Box
Adam models HO and asks:
“The front gearbox on my Proto 2000 GP9 diesel has seized up. The rear drivers still turn as do the flywheels and front drive shaft. The front driver gears won’t. I will need to take out the motor and gear boxes, but I’m not sure how to go about that and fixing the problem. Some words from the wise would be very much appreciated. With thanks.”
Please add any suggestions to assist Adam under this post.
Watch This Freight Depot Under Construction
This plan is available to download and construct to OO, HO, or N scale here https://www.modelbuildings.org/railroad-structures
Lights Not Working on Newer Athearn Genesis Locomotive
Ken writes:
“Greetings, you’d think it would be an easy fix to get the lights to come back on on my HO Athearn Genesis locomotive. I’m using a Digitrax DCS52 controller and have read (and tried) every CV code written to no avail. I’ve even reset the factory settings and the headlight not directional lights come on anymore. And yes, I’ve selected ‘0’ on my controller. Athearn couldn’t help me, they said I should reach out to Soundtraxx. Soundtraxx will only send me a link to their CV guide. No one seems to want to give me a straight answer. I’d hate to send the locomotives back to the shop just for a quick CV change, so I’m hoping someone here will have any ideas that I may not have tried. Thanks guys.”
You can add your thoughts to assist Ken below.
DC to DCC and DCC to DC?
Jim models in HO scale and asks readers:
“This is an interesting question, at least to me. A lot of the modelers are either already running DCC or are switching to DCC. I have seen many videos about how to take a DC engine, install a computer card on the engine and make it able to run as a DCC engine. Here’s the question — can a DCC engine be striped down (DCC card and chip removed )and rewired as a DC engine and then run on a DC layout?????”
Please contribute your thoughts below.
Problems With My Elevated Structure Subway Layout
Michael model in HO scale and writes:
“I have a double wye and crossover track but on the left side of the structure the train stops on both isolated plastic joiners. What can I do to get the train to go through this curvature section of track without changing track status of the rail? My layout has three track turnouts into a double wye with a crossover track. The left side of layout has curvature problems. I have plastic isolators on both rails of the track.”
NCE Pro Cab DCC Not Working
Richard writes:
“I have a problem and I am hoping that you and you followers can help. I am located in Florida and have not been able to get help locally. I have all new DCC equipment and NCE power cab. Everything was running fine and the next day it was not running at all. The screen on the hand held was showing “NCE procab v1.3 cab address =02″. I called NCE and they told me that I have a short. How can that be and what do I need to do?”
If you can advise Richard then please reply to his post below.