Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
Make This Harvest Grain Distributors Building. Plan Just Released!!
The Harvest Grain Distributors Building is one in a series of 5 new background buildings just released. Plans can be downloaded in PDF format and this, and the other models, can be made to HO scale, S, OO, or N scale size. https://www.modelbuildings.org/railroad-industries-scale-models/ This 3 minute tutorial runs you through the basic process for constructing the models in this series.
DCC on a Budget
Jeff writes:
“I am 100% new to this hobby, but intend to build a DCC controlled layout from scratch, around 8 sqm in size. I have read a lot of information and realize how important it is to start off correctly.One thing I am struggling with is I want a computer controlled system and want to know what I can get on a budget. Could your readers please advise me on what might be best?”
NEW RELEASE!!! 5 Background Industry Buildings. Watch How This Creamery Is Constructed
This sped up tutorial shows construction of the Farmers Co-Op Creamery Dairy Factory Building in OO scale. The plans can also be made to S scale, HO, scale, or N scale. The new series also includes: the Harvest Fresh Grain Distributors Building, P.G. Robertson Manufacturing Industries Building, United Rail Distributors Gold Storage Warehouse and Offices Building, and the G.J. Manufacturing Industries Building. You can view the new series and download the plans here –
Track Distance From Wall
Lester is building his HO layout and asks.
“I’m planning my L girder benchwork with plywood sub-roadbed and need to know how wide it needs to be. I want enough space for thin backdrop structures but need to know the minimum possible distance from the drywall (plasterboard) to the center line of the closest track to the wall. Good to hear your thoughts please.”
Comments can be added and read below.
Model Train Creeping Forward
Robert M asks:
“I have a tri-ang electronic controller that when the train is stopped it keeps creeping forward or in reverse when the reversing switch is thrown. Can an electronics Guru tell where the fault lies? I will try to add a photo.”
Please add your comments below this post if you can offer some suggestions.
Train Restaurant Needs Software Help

Maxime has opened a train restaurant in Siagon, Vietnam and desperately needs some advice to rectify issues she is having with the software that controls the train. If you can help I know she would be very happy. Here is what she has to say –
“I started a train restaurant in Vietnam 5 months ago. I did not have the knowledge to create my own DCC automatic system, so I hired a software engineer. It end up that the software he built is full of bugs and I am now looking for a new solution. I am wondering if one of your readers can give me the knowledge I need to build an mobile device App that will control the DCC to be able to send a specific train from the layout to a specific table, stop for 25 seconds and comeback to the station (kitchen). The software engineer did create it by adding a RFID card reader to the train to make it stop at the right table. However, I am looking to see if it’s any other solution that are more sustainable and less risk of breaking down all the time. Can someone advise me please. And, if possible how much do you think it can cost to build a software to control the train this way?”
Please add any suggestions below to help Maxine in her new venture if you can.

Consolidateing “Wall-Wart” Power Supplies
Ken writes:
“Greetings. I have somewhat of an elaborate HO layout (for a residential layout) with over 30 commercial businesses, half dozen residential houses, a campground and multiple streetlights. They are all powered by 2 adjustable 3 amp 3-24 Volt power supplies on 2 buses under my layout. Most of the lights are LED’s that draw around 20 milliamperes each, but some of the “grain of wheat” incandescent’s go up to 70 milliamperes. I figured I could safely wire up about 40 – 50 lights on each power supply, because I’m not even close to 50% capacity. But, one of my power supplies started humming yesterday and it felt much warmer than the other one. I don’t know if I got a bad unit or not, but I’d like to upgrade to a more heavy duty power source to give me more head-room and security knowing I’m under my load limits. Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of power supply I should be looking for? I really like to be able to dial them back to around 9-10 volts in the evening so the lights are more pleasant around the track. Thanks in advance for your responses.”
If you can your thoughts with Ken, then I’m sure he would appreciate any advice he can get. Simple use the comments link below.
Wheel Slippage on Grades
Ken who models in HO scale writes:
“Greetings, I’m trying to come up with the ideal track cleaning process that would protect my track from oxidation without causing my locos to spin their wheels at my overpass grade. I’m limited to space and my double continuous running oval has a ‘non-prototypical’ grade of about 4.5% – 5% at the trestle (but the trains look very cool climbing the grade). I used No-Ox ID as was suggested by some experienced modelers but it was a disaster! My locos used to pull 17-18 cars with no issue, and after the No-Ox ID my loco couldn’t make it up by itself! It was heart-wrenching! Should I just continue to use mineral spirits and clean the track weekly, or is there something else that will work better? Thanks in advance for your response.”
Suggestions welcome below.
Watch How To Make This Industrial Background Building For Your OO, HO, or N Scale Model Railroad
You can download the plans for this model railroad industry building here https://www.modelbuildings.org/background-buildings
HO Kato 37-6110 GE P42 Amtrak V Genesis Problem
David is having problems with his Kato locomotive. He writes:
“The wheels are trying to run on my Kato 37-6110 GE P42 but it will not run. Had it about a year (it ran fine). Steadily it did not run as it did before. I understand the trucks have both motors in them. Not inside the engine. Does this cause problems while in use? My layout has a grade of 2″ drop and travels 8′. The train does pickup some speed going down the grade. Is this the cause of the problem. Can it be fixed? How can I do that? Thank You for your HELP.”
You can contribute your thought below.
Florida East Coast – Ortner Hopper Cars
Keith writes:
“I’ve been modeling on and off since my teens, with my dad. I was brought up in South Florida and we had a layout above the garage that was pretty amazing for the small space we had. Being brought up in Florida, I saw the Florida East Coast RR for all my life; going train watching with my dad and at crossings all the time.

This railroad has an amazing history and I’ve collected and built models from different periods. I’m working on building Ortner cars from the 1980s and 90’s at the Cemex plant in Miami. They had hopper cars with white lettering that I’d like to recreate.
My question is, what color to paint them? I think the color is a caboose red, but I am uncertain and would love some feedback and even checking the colors, some opinions. Thanks everyone.”
Minimum HO Turn Radius
Frank writes:
“I’m a novice HO model railroader. I usually set up a simple oval under the Christmas tree annually. I’m bored with that. Furniture confines me to 5′ x 7′ area. I want to add a couple turnouts, a 2nd oval, and sidings for some wild west buildings. What is the minimum HO turn radius for 4-4-0 and a 4-6-0 1870-80’s steam locos and that era freight cars?”